Her eyes merely darted around the park, trying to process the new surrounding that she was obviously not used to. There were other kids her age that existed? And creatures that were somewhat similar to my little pony but less magical?!

Satomi opened her mouth wide and let out the weirdest yet adorable strained scream as she slowly turned back to her dad and Toga with shimmering eyes.

"Da diiiii..." she said in a whispering tone, and Dabi and Toga, one who wore as a different person and the other covering all of his scars, couldn't help but to coo and chuckle at her reaction. She was practically saying 'are you seeing this?' in her own limited way.

"Go on," The scarred villain encouraged as he pointed over to the wide open space in front of them, "Run around and play with the other kiddos."

With that permission, Satomi quickly turned back around and started to waddle run to the grass. It only took her four steps before she tripped on herself and stumbled to the ground.

Dabi simply stayed calm as he watched her let out a little groan before picking herself back up. "You okay?" He asked out,

"Uh uhh..." Satomi replied back before going back to running, this time her feet farther apart from each other.

She continued on with her little adventure, slowing down once she reached the lush green blades below her feet, she looks around and takes in the place this time much closer and personal.

The air was fresh– much better than the usual one she's been constantly in and inhaling back in the league's hideout, she had to admit. The cold winter breeze nipped at the skin of her cheeks, turning them more rosey in color than usual.

Satomi takes a quick look back to Toga and Dabi, both who were simply keeping an eye on her from afar; they wanted her to enjoy the new moment by herself for awhile and even socialize with the others her age(though it would be a bit hard to find other kids who were also 1-2 years old).


Satomi looks back in front of her, suddenly met with 3 teenagers who were, if she guessed, around 16-18 years of age.

"You look a little too young to start being by yourself..." one of the teens, a freckled green haired boy said with a smile laced with worry and concern. "How old are you?"


What amazing timing. In that moment of disbelief, neither Dabi nor Toga knew what to do. The UA kids were there right in front of them talking to Dabi's kid and they couldn't do anything about it; suddenly causing a villain attack would completely go against their plans for today and they wouldn't dare risk it seeing as, 1. how much they planned for this day, and 2. Said day was for Satomi, Dabi's sweet little precious princess child that he would do anything for just to see her happy and grow into an amazing human unlike himself. The fact that the annoying aspiring heroes were there was already threatening their plan of a special day.

"Are you an idiot?" One of the other teens snarled at the freckled boy, brows furrowed and an annoyed look in his eyes. "The little brat looks too young to even understand what you're saying if that answers your question."

"Bakugo, you shouldn't be swearing in front of a child." A two-toned hair boy piped in, pointing over at the other guy who called their other companion an idiot.


While the seemingly most aggressive and most chill of the trio were having their little one-sided bicker, the green haired boy silently watched Satomi taking off one of her mittens, raised her now bare left hand high for the teen to see clearly and showed off a middle finger. "Un." She answered.

Dabi, from afar, was flabbergasted.

"Midoriya..." the boy who 'Bakugo' called 'icy-hot' called out to the freckled boy, concern written on his face. "Did she just flip you the bird?"

"Where the hell did you learn that wording?" Bakugo cringed.

"From Kaminari." Icy hot simply answered.

"I think it's this finger you should be using.." Midoriya raised his pointer finger with a nervous smile on his face, but that soon disappeared and was replaced with intrigue when Satomi pulled down her middle finger and instead copied his more correct way of signing a '1'.

"So you're one?" Midoriya asked for comfirmation, though he didn't really expect her to really understand him seeing as despite already being able to understand basic words and sentences, typically 1 year olds still wouldn't be able to understand 'semi-complex' sentences or questions, so it was a suprise to him and the other two boys that the kid nodded her head.

Despite their suprise, though, they couldn't help themselves but to frown and show concern.

"Who in their right mind would leave their 1 year old kid in a park." Bakugo's brows furrowed, a frown creasing his lips as he squatted down to be as eye level with the kid as much as possible.

He took a good look at her. From her black hairlines and white hair, the color and shape of her eyes, button nose and baby skin, he couldn't help himself but to  examine her own face... to him, it felt like he's seen her before, but he didn't know  when or where. "Where're your parents, kid-"


Satomi and the three boys' attention were quickly diverted to a woman running over to them with an expression full of panic and worry. Once she was close, she quickly pulled the child to her chest and hugged her, nearly sobbing.

"Oh, Sami! I thought I lost you!"

Midoriya, Bakugo, and Icy-Hot could only stare at them, not really knowing how to react with the sudden situation. One moment they were concerned of a little kid being left alone in a park and the next second the supposed 'mother' made her appearance out of nowhere.

Nonetheless, Midoriya was glad that 'Sami' finally reunited with her 'mom'. "We found her standing all alone here so we were worried... glad we made it to her before some old creep did.."

The woman looks up at him and showed a grateful smile. "Thanks for keeping an eye on her for me... she tends to walk off to god knows where when no one's holding her hand." She stood up from her knees, now holding on to Satomi's hand with her right and the mitten she took off on her left. "We'll get going now-"

"Hold on."

Midoriya and Icy Hot stared at Bakugo in suprise and confusion, the seemingly aggressive boy staring down at the woman like he was picking her apart from top to bottom.

The freckled boy tilted his head to the side and furrowed his brows, "Kacchan?-"

"What are you to that kid anyways?" The spiky blond asked, tone harsh and somewhat demanding.

The woman looks at him in confusion from his sudden question, though decided to answer him anyways. "My daughter."

"Really?" The boy quirked a brow, "You two don't really seem identical." He pointed out the obvious. It doesn't take much thinking to see that there would be no connection to white and black hair with green and a fairly light skin tone with a brown complexion.

"Are you being racist right now?" The woman snarled, "If you really wanna know, i'm her step mom, not the who shot her out of my hoo-ha. Her biological parent is her dad which is my husband. Just 'cause we're not related doesn't mean she's not my daughter because she is. You shouldn't be quick to assume, boy."

Then she suddenly picked up Satomi and stomped off, leaving the boys taken aback and to process what just happened.


Would anyone want to have some angst on here? I do:)

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