The big change

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Y/N- It all started when i woke up and i got ready for school i was about to miss the bus then my
mom-said wait!!! Your not not going to school today.
Y/N- Why not.
Mom- we are moving to a small town called  "Seabrook" me and your dad grew up there i think you will like it. Now go up to your room and start packing.
Y/N ugh fine. (Goes to room) you know i've always wanted to learn more about my mom and dads past.
Mayby this is a good thing. Anyway i'll see you later i have to finish packing

                        Time skip
Y/N- okay i'm getting ready to go to my first day in seabrook hight. I'm kinda nervous.
Mom- honey do you want to drive me to school or do you want to take the bus?
Y/N- Okay give me a minute. (Getting in the car) Mom i am really nervous about school. I'm starting it in the middle of the school year.
Mom- It will be great ok. Bye have fun at school honey (school bell rings).
Y/N- okay mom I'm going to be late for school.
Mom- see you after school so me and your dad can show you around the town.
Y/N- k mom bye (Turns around and walk into school and bumps into someone) oh I'm so sorry i'm new. Addison- oh what class do you have i can show you were to go.
Y/N- History.
Addison- Same come i'll show you the class. (walks into classroom)
Teacher/Mrs.smith- Addison glad to see you. And i see you have our new student. Everyone this is our new student Y/N. Y/N why don't you introduce yourself.
Y/N- umm okay. Hi everyone my name is Y/N.
Teacher/Mrs.smith- And how long will you be staying here Y/N.
Y/N- The rest of high-school.
Teacher/Mrs.smith- Very well Y/N take a seat next to Addison.
Y/N- okay.

Breaking  DawnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ