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Epilogue: Happy Ever After, or is it?

Jake went on vacation to Busan with his friends. They rented a house and found a room each couple wanted.

They all decided to go out to eat. They sat down and ordered.

"Thanks for taking us out for vacation, Jake." Sunwoo said. Jake smiled. "You're welcome. I had to. You guys are my friends and always will be." Sunghoon ruffled his hair. "And you will always be my boyfriend." He told to Jake. Heeseung smirked.

The waiter came with their food and they ate.

"You guys can go. Me and Jake bought tickets to the movies." Sunghoon said. Ni-ki wiggled his eyes brows. "Okay, I see you two. Just don't do anything weird." Jake hit Ni-ki. "We won't. Now go." They said goodbye and Jake and Sunghoon walked to the movie theater.

At the movie theater, the got their tickets. They were early, so they went to the bathroom.

"Sunghoon. Thanks for taking me here. I don't know what I would go without you." Jake said smiling at him. Sunghoon smiled back at him. "Of course. I had to."

It was silent for a while, until Sunghoon leaned it to kiss him. Their lips touched. Jake kissed him back. The kiss turned into a make out. Jake put his arms around Sunghoon and Sunghoon put his hands on Jake's waist.

They moved to a bathroom stall. Sunghoon closed the door and locked it. He pinned Jake to the wall of the stall. The make out started to get heated. Jake jumped on Sunghoon. Sunghoon moved down to Jake's neck, sucking on it. Jake grabbed onto Sunghoon's shirt tightly. Sunghoon put his hands up Jake's shirt. Jake moaned a little bit. Sunghoon let Jake go and Jake got off of him. Jake and Sunghoon had one more kiss before leaving.

Sunghoon opened the stall door and both of them fixed themselves. "Alright, let's go watch the movie." Jake said and Sunghoon nodded.

They got popcorn and drinks. They walked into the room to watch the movie. The movie they were watching was called 'I Saw The Devil'. Jake got scared at some parts and Sunghoon held his hand making Jake feel more relaxed.

At the end of the movie, they left to go back to the house. Before they did, they stopped at the store to buy groceries for breakfast.

"What do we need?" Sunghoon asked. Jake hummed. "We need bacon, eggs, and pancake batter. We can get other things we need. I'll ask Ni-ki help make breakfast with me." He said. Sunghoon started to pout. "What about me? Why can't I help you?" Jake sighed. "You have been doing a whole lot of things for me these past few days and I want to do something for you in return." He said kissing him. Sunghoon kissed him back. "Okay. But I will cook breakfast for you the day after tomorrow." Jake nodded.

They paid for the food and went to the house. The opened the door to see Ni-ki and Sunwoo playing Just Dance, Jay and Jungwon drawing, and Heeseung sitting on the couch on his phone.

Jake put the groceries down and put them away. He sat on the couch next to Sunghoon. 

"This isn't fair! You practices dancing more than me!" Sunwoo said crossing his arms. Ni-ki grabbed Sunwoo's cheeks. "You're so cute when you're angry." Sunwoo started blushing. Ni-ki let him go and kissed him. "How about we all watch Stranger Things?" He suggested. Everybody agreed.


The last episode of season 4 ended and almost every one was sleep, expect for Jake, Sunghoon, and Heeseung. Sunwoo and Ni-ki were sleeping on one side of the couch. They were both hugging each other. Jay and Jungwon were on the floor sleeping.

Heeseung got up and walked to his room. Jake got up and turned the television off. Sunghoon also got up to go to their bed room. Jake followed him there.

They both got in the bed. Sunghoon got onto Jake. "Should we..continue what we did in the bathroom?" He asked. Jake smirked. "Why not?"

Sunghoon kissed Jake first. Jake sat up and leaned more into the kiss. The make out once again got heated. Sunghoon took his shirt off and helped Jake take off his. Sunghoon pinned Jake down on the bed started kissing his neck, then to his chest.

A tired Sunwoo woke up to noises in their room. He slowly got up and opened their door quietly. He saw what was happening and quickly closed it and went back to the couch.

Ni-ki woke up when he felt Sunwoo get close to him. He held onto Sunwoo's hand. "Whats wrong?" He asked. Sunwoo's face turned red just thinking about it. "Jake and Sunghoon are.." Ni-ki tilted his head. "Are..?" Sunwoo buried his head in Ni-ki's chest. "Y'know.." Ni-ki chuckled. "They were having sex?" He finished for him. Sunwoo nodded. Ni-ki ruffled his hair. "Maybe..we can do that too?" Sunwoo hit him. "No! Go back to sleep." Ni-ki kissed his forehead. "Good night." He said. Sunwoo smiled. "Good night."

Sunghoon put his hands down Jake's pants. Jake grabbed the sheets and pulled it over them.


Jake got up to make breakfast. The others were sitting on the couch looking at him. When Sunghoon came in, they also looked at him. Sunghoon looked back at them. "What? Is there something on my face?" He asked. Jungwon shook his head. "No, it's just that we heard you to fucking last night and neither of us got sleep." Sunwoo nodded in agreement.

Jake coughed on his water. "We ate that loud?" Ni-ki rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course." Jake put his hand on his neck.


Jake got done making breakfast and put it on the table. "I'm done with breakfast! Let's eat." He told them. Everyone got up to eat. Jake saw how Heeseung wasn't there. He got up and walked to his room. He was about to knock, but heard him talking.

"Yes. It worked out. His in jail because we used Jake." (...) "There's another?" (...) "Someone who's fragile?" (...) "Alright. I have the right person for this." (...) "His name?" (...) "It's Sunwoo."

Heeseung hung up the phone and opened the door. When he opened it he saw Jake.


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