You went on, your laughter dying down bit by bit, "Oh yeah, I'm just.." You waved your hands around for emphasizing your sarcasm, "..soooo lucky, aren't I?"

You smiled sarcastically, letting out small yet dry chuckles, "Look, man. If you think my life here is 'lucky', then you should get your brain checked by Kibubooty or some shit. Nothing about my life as a Demon Slayer is lucky."

You began to raise a finger on your hand for each thing you listed, "Even after 3 years of training, I still can't properly use my own technique. I'm constantly having to sacrifice myself for the ones I love. I don't have a choice to be a Demon Slayer."

You continued, "I am in pain almost all the time, because of this god forsaken blood of mine. My mental state has been at an all time low for months. I've been knocking on death's door countless times, and even died once."

"I can't even catch a breather before another demon is up my ass and trying to bring me back to the demon lord himself. Hell, I'm so unlucky, that even my own twin brother wants me dead, and is now Upper Moon 0; I've never felt so alone."

"But most of all.. I know way too much. Too much, that it haunts me in my sleep."

Your voice began to shake once more as you lowered your head, "So you think I'm lucky? No.. don't you dare try to look at me in the eyes and say that with such confidence." Your gaze hardened as some of your veins bulged from your forehead out of anger, "You have no right to say that."

You grasped your sword even tighter as your anger levels rose, "But I know one thing for sure, I'll be damned if you think you're gonna lay a finger on Uzui."

You rose your head once more, your voice raising, "Because if you think you're going to do that, you and your bitchy ass have to get through me first..!"

You each stared each other down, ignoring the completely shattered environment you stood in. There were fires blazing on in a few buildings, blood splattered across the once bustling and quiet streets, and rubble covering each doorway.

After a short while, he began to slow clap, "Niiiice speech, man. Very emotional, I dare saaay. You've got a lot of fiiiiiire in you." He showcased his fangs as he smirked, "Now, I'm itching for a fight, and since you so kindly offered.. how could I decline?"

He cracked his knuckles, "I'm sure that man won't mind if I beat you up a biiiit."

The next thing you knew, Gyutaro was lunging at you, but before he could lay contact on you, you blocked his attack with your blade.

The impact of the attack caused dust to blow below the two of you. After a moment, you finally mustered up the strength to slightly push him backwards, before charging straight towards him.

He wasted no time in sending an array of blood scythes your way, forcing you to stop your attack and take the time to avoid his scythes.

You inwardly sighed, this was going to be a long battle.


Eli really wasn't the type to let emotions cloud his judgment, or distract him from life threatening situations. But this time, it was an exception.

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें