I missed you.

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Haru's POV

Finally I could hear the sweet sound of his voice again. The voice of the one I waited for so long. Finally, you're here,


Tears streamed down my cheeks in an instant as I scrambled to climb out of the frigid waters, approaching the red haired male. Dammit, here he was and I looked like a mess. Never again it should be like this.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" he shouted in my face. Crap, this wasn't something I wanted to hear, that voice haunted me and here it was in reality, shouting at me. I didn't wanna deal with it any longer, yet what was I thinking.

"I missed you, Rin..." I mumbled, letting more tears flow as I clutched his shirt tightly. "I missed you. SO. DAMN. MUCH." I felt guilty being so furious to him, but at this point I felt like I had to do it.

"I never expected this to happen! What the hell?!" More and more I heard those shouts. More and more I was persistent.

"You never. Ever tried to speak to me after you left. Not once have I heard from you, or of you. I waited five years, Rin Matsuoka. And here I am. Happy now? Happy to see the sickening coward I am?" I couldn't take it, my head was a mess and my thoughts were diminished. What's wrong with me for feeling so...cold?

Suddenly, my entire body was engulfed with a warmth, and as I opened my eyes once again I saw the taller male holding me tight, never seeming to let go, huh. Oh how I've waited to feel those hands of his around my body, if only he never left.

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