Ch 5

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Naruto faces gaara in finals

Genma ready fight

Naruto does 2 handsigns "water style rain dance "

He then makes 4 clones who puts up the 4 flames formation barrier

Naruto does 5 handsigns seals "lighting style lighting purgatory

Naruto runs up and does 5 handsigns "8 triagram seal fuin"

Gaara thank you i forfeit

Genma winner of chunin exams NARUTO UZUKAZE


Sarutobi gaara of the sand Naruto Uzukaze temari of sand shikamaru nara please step forward

Sarutobi gaara temari shikamaru your promoted to chunin now then Naruto Uzukaze welcome to being the newest elite jonin

Everyone cheers

Sarutobi I have an announcement on retiring and decided that even tho he's young he can lead im announcing that the 5th hokage is Naruto Uzukaze

Everyone gasped

Naruto was shocked and looks at Sarutobi

Naruto are you sure

Sarutobi 100%

Naruto I accept

Sarutobi the ceremony will be in 2 days

Suddemly kabuto appears

Kabuto Naruto Uzukaze your going to die today for killing my master orochimaru

Naruto summoning jutsu shinigami

Shinigami yes Naruto-sama

Naruto grabs Kabuto "here's orochimaru right hand man"

Shinigami kills him and disappeared

2 days later

Everyone was in front of hokage tower

Sarutobi here is your new 5th hokage NARUTO UZUKAZE

Naruto i promise to protect the leaf to my last breath

Everyone cheers

Naruto elders your now fired and retired civilian council is disbanded your dismissed *flashes away*

Everyone was shocked

To be continued

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