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I've waited for so long in the dark. I've waited for years for someone to visit me, really visit me. I've waited for someone significant to come along. I've waited for the right time to reveal my plan.

But, as per usual, that never happens. I'm always left alone in the dark, keeping my thoughts to myself in my tiny little chamber. Sometimes, there is light, and sometimes there is the fleeting glance of one of my Hunters checking on me. But they never stay. Never.

Why would they keep me locked away down here? I helped them make me, I showed them what I wanted. I showed them who I was supposed to be. I showed them how to construct my siblings. Why should I be hidden from their sight? Are they frightened of me? They shouldn't be. I want to be seen. I want to guide them. I want them to know how much they mean to me, to my brothers, and to the Kingdom.

Sadly, they know the last one a little too well. It has gone to their heads. More the Drunk One than anyone else. They are arrogant. They see the Kingdom as a playground. No. It is not. They abuse their authority to get the riches, the alcohol, the adoring support of their followers. That is not how we intended them to rule.

They think that I can't see them from down here, but I do. When they're training, when they're dining, when they're fighting in the World, I see them. I know their secrets, I'm part of them. I know they crave power. And yet, do they not know that we can give it to them? My brothers and I are powerful; we control who reigns.

So why must I be confined down here?

The Drunk One longs for the power to be who he wanted to be before we placed Hullum on that throne. He longs for unimaginable power. He thinks that he is the only one fit for that throne since I showed him, and only him, how to make me.

The Angry One, the one full of rage, longs for the power to be free from those silly rules that the Drunk One and the Lost One thought of so many years before he arrived. He just wants to love another. I can understand that. But yet, he is so impulsive. It will be his downfall like so many other great warriors. 

The Mad One longs for destructive power. He wants to reconstruct everything to his liking. He is young and ignorant, he doesn't know what he's doing. He keeps his animals trapped in his house, he says it's to protect his brothers from them, but how is that? I can understand what he wants, but is it justified? No. He fears himself more than his brothers fear him. He has untapped potential. If only he could reach it. There is something deep within him, something dark, that will eat away at his mind. 

The Masked One longed for a different sort of power. He wanted the World to know him. He wanted the World to know how extraordinary he was. He thought that his brothers saw him as the one who coveted roses in his house and never really contributed to anything. But that is a lie. He did so much, and they saw that. Now he can do no more. It's a shame really; he had so much to offer. Then the Mad One took that chance away.

The Foolish One longs for the power to change his image in the eyes of others. His brothers do not take him seriously. They bully him, provoke him, and endlessly beat on him. He wishes for them to stop their tormenting, and listen to him for a change. He is a sweet young man, but so foolish. He can do great things if only he could focus. 

The Lost One doesn't long for the power. He is unusual in this notion. He can be a great king. He doesn't realize that the Hunters depend on him to keep them in line, to keep their minds alert; he is their father, essentially. But does he know that? Of course not. He is lost in his purpose. He feels like an outcast to them. He thinks they cherish when he isn't in AH City. But he is wrong. They fall apart. Not even the Drunk One can hold it together.

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