Chapter 5: Good As Gold

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~Beacon Academy, Vale~

Amidst the hustle and bustle of students trying to enter RT's most prestigious warrior academy, two Hunters split the crowds as they ran down its front steps. The students of Beacon watched the two men flee with looks of annoyance and curiosity.

However, the men took no heed of their surroundings as they bounded out into the courtyard and onto one of the city's airships to the center of town. Lord Monty had said it was urgent that they come to his office at once. His message was scrawled out quickly; his handwriting, which usually was elegant and flowing was full of jagged motions and large splatters of ink. This alone was an indicator to Lords Jack and Kdin that Monty meant business.

Kdin ran side by side with Jack then, as they neared Vale City Hall, jogged ahead and held open the door for his wise leader.

"Where is Lord Monty's office?" Jack huffed, as they stopped for a breather in the lobby.

"I think the third floor," Kdin wheezed as they continued their trek.

"Ah god dammit," Jack whined, embarking on the journey up the grand marble staircase.

Lord Monty's office was indeed on the third floor as Kdin had predicted. They burst through the door, and fell to their knees, huffing and puffing.

Monty was bent over a single piece of paper that looked like it had been a scroll before it was opened. The raven that delivered it was perched triumphantly on the top left corner of the Lord's desk.

"My Lord?" Jack pondered, approaching with caution once he got to his feet.

Monty slowly raised his head to make eye contact with the two guests. Jack raised his eyebrows in shock; Monty's eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"A message from Lady Barbara in Rooster Teeth..."

~Heyman Manor, HowTo~

King Geoff sat in a lounge chair on the back steps of Lord Joel's mansion, sipping the finest ale out of a goblet. He watched as the sun rose in the east to greet the world, spreading light and warmth upon the grass, the trees, and upon the large mansion which he and his loyal Hunter Jeremy took refuge in.

Geoff had always liked mornings, even though sometimes he was never in a very great mood to enjoy them, especially after a rough night of drinking and partying. They made him one with the world.

It had been three hundred years since Geoff, Jack, and Matt had created the Golden Trinity. They were essentially the start of the Kingdom, and as its founders, the Tower, the crown, and the throne granted the people who were there to witness the light phenomenon a special gift. The three inhabitants of that tiny farming community, which eventually became Achievement City, were granted the gift of immortality.

It was unusual at first, not aging, but as time passed on Geoff, Jack, and Matt adjusted as the Kingdom grew. And as the Kingdom grew, so did other cities. Matt, after becoming King, established Rooster Teeth as the capital city, and Jack and Geoff turned their small community into a major city, consisting of only the three small dwellings of the founders. Then, the other major cities sprung up almost instantly. Vale, RTAA, HowTo, and Rooster Teeth were suddenly a buzz with people coming in from the Outer Lands, all taking up residency in the four cities.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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