Chapter 8

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Morning came by very fast. I did my morning routine got dressed in a simple black and white outfit. Made my way downstairs and made sure I had a decent breakfast made by Maria.

I made my way to the car and headed to the office... I didn't have much work to do today but if I stayed home today I was going to go crazy...

I arrived at the building and made my way to my office. I got myself busy with some emails and meetings until it was 12:30 pm. I got an unexpected visitor apparently.

"Miss Wilson, someone is here to see you." Emily announced while entering my office. "Who is it??" I asked. Before she could answer me, a tall figure stood behind her. My eyes widen in shock. It was André, Andrew's brother.

The last time I saw him was when he told me I wasn't making the best choice of my life by choosing to be married by his brother and not him. That was 3 years ago.

He walked in giving me an innocent. "Hello sister in law. " he said emphasizing on the sister in law part. I just rolled my eyes. He probably already knew about me divorcing his brother so he surely came to rub it in my face.

If I had known he was in love with me back then, then I'd have been married to him by now.

"What do you want??" I asked bitterly. He looked at me and chuckled. "Is that a way to welcome your brother in law, I mean come on you haven't seen me after your wedding day you should be running to me and into my arms to show me how much you have missed me." He replied.

I was feeling annoyed by his presence. I thought I would never have to see or hear from the Hendersons but here we are. "Pardon my rudeness, hey André hope you doing well in life when did you get back in town??" I said sarcastically fake smiling at him. He rolled his eyes as he took a sit on my office couch.

"I heard that you and Andrew have divorced so I wanted to see this for myself. " I looked at him with disgust. I knew it, he was really here to rub it in my face. Before I could reply to him my door bust open. I looked at the door and my mood changed.

It was Brooke, she had some takeaways in her hands from McDonald's. "Sorry. I tried knocking but as you can see my hands are full." She said smiling at me. She hadn't seen that there was some one else in the office. She led herself to my desk and placed the food on it.

Before she could speak, I pointed to the direction André was sitting in. "Ohh I didn't know u had company." She said sounding disappointed. "Oh this is Andrew's brother, André and he was just leaving." I said reassuring her so she wouldn't leave.

"Oh this is interesting... So you also gay now huh?? Wow you were both living in the closet all along." André said looking at the both of us. I felt my anger boiling over. He was assuming my sexuality just because his brother came out as gay.

"How dare you huh?? Assuming my sexuality because your brother is out of the closet?" I shouted angrily. I was on the edge of doing something I'd regret. Brooke got closer to where I was seated and held my arm gently. My anger was depleting bit by bit. Brooke let my arm go and calmly escorted André out of my office.

She came back looking devastated, but I decided I won't take it to mind. "Shall we eat??" She asked taking me away from my thoughts. I nodded cheerily.


"I mean imagine how you'd be looking with that little bump." Brooke said making me laugh. "I think when my tummy growing time comes, I'll be staying at home. I won't be coming here to overwork myself." I said with giggles in-between my sentence.

I looked at my watch and it read 15:30. "Would you look the time..." I said lowly feeling a bit of sadness kicking in. I'm going to become lonely again now.

"Time has went by fast and it's really sad that I have to leave you, but I promise I'll come by tomorrow okay??" She said. I nodded holding onto her so she wouldn't leave. I wanted to cry maybe because of the hormones but also because I'm going miss her. I'm starting like her- I mean her company.

I stood up with her and walked her out. I watched her enter the elevator as she waved me. I really felt like cutting my day short so I went back to my office and grabbed my stuff and left the office. When I looked at the office next to me, it seemed empty. Where is Emily now.

I took the elevator and headed for Pam's desk. "Hey Pam, have you seen Emily." I asked. "I saw her leaving with the hot lawyer- I mean miss Davis." She said her face turning red from her blushing.

What does she mean they left together. I decided to ignore her and left the building. When I got outside the sun hit my face making me shut my eyes quickly.

I started walking towards my car when I suddenly heard a laughter. I looked to where the laughter came from and saw Emily and Brooke together.

They looked cozy as if they together. Wait are they together? I tried looking away but I kept looking at them. Emily was eating ice cream when it suddenly smeared to the side of her lips. Brooke removed it slowly and licked it.

She's dating. She's dating. I shouldn't be feeling like this, it's not like she had a thing for me. We were only combined for professional reasons. But I can't get the look she gave Emily when she removed the ice cream out of my mind.

I sighed and got into my car. I placed my hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it slightly. I placed my head on the steering wheel and sighed. I guess I know understand what they mean with the phrase "Don't wear your heart on your sleeves."

Why did I fall for you, Brooke??

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