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Honey I'm almost home and I have a something to tell you.

What is it my love??

It's a surprise babe.

Okay Honey I'll be waiting for you then

What do you want me to bring you on my way home??

Just some hot wings would do babe...

Okay I'll pass at the nearest restaurant then.

Alright I love you

I love you more❤🌍

Seen at 20:58

I made my way inside the Thai food restaurant and made my order. Collected the food and headed to the car.

When I got home the lights were still on. Good Andrew is not sleep yet. I got out of the car and made my way towards the house while carrying the takeaways in my hand. I opened the door with my free hand and got in.

"Honey I'm home." I said as I made my way to the kitchen. I placed the takeaway on the kitchen counter and made my way upstairs to our room. I heard muffled sounds as I got closer to the room. The sounds got louder as I got closer and closer. I'll just assume he's watching something okay.

When I turned the doorknob and what I saw destroyed me forever. Andrew was on top of a man riding him. A MAN!! I screamed to the top of my lungs and both the men faced me.

The man he was riding was Jason, my CO-WORKER!! Jason suddenly pushed Andrew off of him as Andrew made his way towards me. My tears fell on my face as I moved back as he came closer. I motioned my hands telling him to stop.

He was standing in front of me naked. I looked behind and noticed Jason put his clothes on and hurrying to the door. I got there first and looked at both the men in front of me. I closed my eyes. "Andrew please get dressed. You'll both meet me downstairs." I said shakily leaving the room.

I went downstairs and laughed while sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in my hand as tears ran down my face. I always caught Andrew busy with girls and told me he would stop he would change and become a better man. But I just found him with another men on our bed. Is it still ours?

After a while. Andrew came downstairs with Jason looking scared. I mean I always knew that Jason is gay but I never thought he'd go for my man. To make it even worse I'm pregnant. Yep Andrew is responsible for it as I've never been any men besides him.

I looked at the two men standing in front of me. I chuckled and became serious. "How long hmm?? When were you going to tell me, huh??" He was about to answer and I cut him off. "I'm pregnant." He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost.

Okay, I'm getting pissed because he ain't saying anything, but before I could say anything else, he spoke up, " Marissa I've been meaning to tell you that I was gay and I am in love with Jason." That pinged my heart.

"So what am I supposed to do with this baby huh?? Andrew why did you then sleep with knowing that you are gay??" "I had to do it because my parents were on my neck about the grand baby story. " "Andrew we've been married for 3 years now and this is the thanks I get for being a good wife??"

I stood up with my wine glass and headed to the kitchen for a refill. The two men followed like lost puppies. I sat on the kitchen stool and looked them.

"So where to from here hmm??" I said looking at them. I dunked the wine in one shot. Silence filled the room. I cleared my throat. "Is anyone going to say anything??"

Andrew came towards me and had a sad look in his eyes, how pathetic just because you got caught. Men. He then started speaking. "I think we should get a divorce. "  I looked at him and laughed. "You joking right??" He shooked his head no.

Those words rang in ears making me have a headache and my heart shattered. So I've been building a home on top of lies. What about the "I love you's" he said to me??

Were they all lies?? I turned and looked at Jason. The friendship we had was way too strong to be broken but this shattered it. He is in love with my husband. Or ex husband. And my husband is in love with him.

I wasn't one to get in the way of someone's happiness but right now I was thinking of this child inside me. Who was gonna take care of it?? Was the baby about to be raised by a single mom without no dad??

I sighed and looked at Andrew. "What about the baby??" I said with teary eyes as I looked at him sadly. Andrew was my first love and now his the last. He then replied, "I don't know but honestly... I don't want to be part of its life. I'm sorry." The tears that were in my eyes fell to my face

He held Jason's hand and they walked towards the door. He then looked back and said, "I'll be sending in the divorce papers to your office."

"But what about your parents, what will say about all this??" "I've been living a lie and it's time I get out of the closet." They then walked and closed the door quietly.

I immediately broke down as I placed my head on the counter. So this is how he wants to end it huh. I took my phone out of my blazer that I was wearing and decided to make a call.

"Hey Andy can you get me the best lawyer in town??" "Why what happened??" "Andrew wants a divorce and I'm giving him what he wants." "Oh my God!"

I had shuffling from her side of the phone until she spoke "I'll call her and see if she can come by the office tomorrow if that's okay with you." "Yes it's totally fine and thanks once again I'll see you tomorrow. " "Alright Marissa please get some sleep okay?" "Okay I will."

I hung up and made my way upstairs. I wasn't going to sleep in the room that Andrew was fucking in so I made my way to the guest room next to it. I layed in the bed and rubbed my tummy and sighed. This is the way of world. How cruel can it be hmm.

I watched the stars outside and sighed once again. Tomorrow I'll be facing reality letting me know you fatherless.

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