Thrown in pt 3

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Y/n pov

The grabber came in while me and robin were against the wall, he marched it quickly grabbing Robin's legs and tieng them together we both tried our best to stop him but then he grabbed me and brought me to the middle of the room holding me there with a knife to my neck

Robin's pov

The grabber tied my legs enabling me to get up the knot was to tight for me to untie, and he had y/n with a knife to her neck. Shit.

Grabber - untie that knot. and I will gut her like a pig. 

Yn pov

I was in a state of pure panic breathing heavily and not knowing what to do.

Grabber - your little friend tried to get out causing me to have to pay a FORTUNE. For a new and better lock, so I thought .. they need a punishment hmmm I already punished the naughty boy.. but not the naughty girl. So I'll get the best of both worlds, I punish you.. and he watches.

Y/n pov

My eyes widened as a stared at Robin as my eyes started to water 

Robin pov

I can't move. He'll kill her.. what am I sopost to do, I start to slightly cry.

Robin - don't you fucking touch her!

Grabber - thats not for you to decide!

Robin's pov

Y/n started to cry more, a few seconds later of the grabber and y/n staring at me the grabber removed the knife hitting y/n and slamming her against the wall she cried louder and louder and he pressed her hard against the wall all I could do was scream I pleaded him to stop but he just kept doing worse he took the knife and made a deep cut down her arm. I'm going to fucking kill him. She screamed in pain and cried and cried. When he was don't with her he shoved her to the floor and left. I untied the knots and ran over to her shaking body while helping her up and sat her down on the mattress.

Robin - its ok, it's ok he's gone. he's gone. ur gonna be fine. 

I took the bandanna of mine that y/n had and wrapped it around her arm. She fell asleep leaning against me while I had my arms wrapped around her stroking her hair, while sitting against the wall. I thought of a plan that night. I would fill the phone with dirt and hit the grabber it would buy us time to get out.

( the next morning)

Y/n pov

Robin had told me about the plan and said that we could use the cable to trip him into the hole with the window bar in there and kill him there.

(They filled the phone with dirt and set the traps)

Y/n pov

The grabber came in with an axe.

Grabber - I would use a knife but you two.. are special. So? Who's gonna go first? Hmm.

Just then Robin swung at him causing him to drop the axe we ran and jumped over the dirt hole. I pulled the cord tripping the grabber causing him to fall into the hole breaking his ankle in the process. Robin sound hard at him while he was stepping back ready to swing again I pulled off the grabbers mask causing him to sheild his face as Robin swung again and again. He lunged forward strangling the grabber and snapping his neck.

Robin's pov

I did it. I killed him. She's safe now, we're safe now I dropped the phone hugging y/n as we made out way through the house breaking the new lock with the axe. As soon as we stepped outside we were met with police and ambulance cars. As finny and Gwen ran towards us and hugged the both of us. After explaining everything I kept a hold on y/n walking over to the trunk of an ambulance wrapping me and her in blankets, we sat there holding hand leaning on eachother knowing that we were safe. And I would never let her get hurt ever again.

Y/n pov

We sat there in silence holding hands leaning on eachother knowing thsy we were safe... and I would never let him get hurt ever again.

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