Simon Seville's Instagram Profile

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Simon Seville 📘

500 Posts | 1.5M Followers | 784 Following

5M Followers | 784 Following

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Why, hello there!

You've just happened to have landed on the profile of one rather blue-clad, intelligent chipmunk! (If I do say so myself, that is.)

For those of you who are the most eagle-eyed, you would have noticed that I don't post as much as my brother Alvin.

That is simply because it's hard to find the time to do so - taking into consideration all our concerts, gigs and shows - et cetera, et cetera. Alvin is somehow able to keep up with his accounts, but I am the opposite.

So to all my followers, please be patient with my posts and pictures!


* Math, Science - just school in general
* Studying with Jeanette
* Making experiments and inventions
* Technology


* Alvin and Brittany's antics
* Theodore's gullibility
* Getting bad grades
* Losing my glasses

I appreciate you reading my profile, and look forward to your views and comments on my pictures.

Your smart guy,
Simon Seville ✌️

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