Confession (fluff)

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A/n: I feel like their confession would be really cute and sweet because they're adorable, love them <3

3rd POV

Lately lacus had felt different around rene, he felt more happy which he thought was obviously to why he felt like that, he was sure he was in love with rene, after all lacus loved his smooth, silky black hair, his slander eyes, and he always knew how to comfort lacus whenever he needed it, he always had a way to make him feel better and smile when lacus wasn't feeling like his usual self, rene often smiled around lacus mostly because he knew his smile always made lacus feel better and smile, rene would smile at the things lacus would do and say, lacus realized rene only really smiled around him and wasn't sure why but he was glad he was able to make rene smile

Rene and lacus had been with each other for as long as they could remember and were never apart unless they had to do things separate from each other, but other than that they were always together, they were together so much that everyone just got used to it and kinda figured either they were together or liked each other at the least, but ferid noticed the most and figured they get together on their own, he and crowley would sometimes talk about them from time and time and sometimes Krul and Mika would even talk to ferid about rene and lacus too even though they both never talk to him unless he talks to them first, but they all noticed and thought they would get together eventually but they still did there own things of course

Lacus was by himself at his and Rene's secret spot they had, it wasn't anything too special, mostly just open space that was infront of an old run down building with a single tree and a good view to look at but they really liked it and would go there to get away from things or just when they wanted to be by themselves and enjoy the view together

Lacus was looking out at the view just at anything he saw or liked, it really was a beautiful view to look at and he was glad that only he and rene knew about it because to him it was truly special and meant a lot to him

He was so zoned out from the view that he didn't even hear rene walk up beside him but he knew he was there, he just continued looking at the view

"Hey lacus"

"Hi Rene"

"You looking at the view again?"

"Yea, it's nice to look at"

"It is, but it's not as nice to look at as you"

Lacus turned and looked at rene softly as his heart started to race and his face heated up, did rene just say he was pretty or nice to look at? he was happy and shocked at what he said but what did it mean? did rene like him? he knew they were close friends and he wanted to be with him but he never knew if rene felt the same so he never told him he liked him but he still wanted to know what he meant

"What do you mean, rene?" Lacus looked to him with curious eyes waiting for an answer

Rene looked to him and smiled softly as he opened his mouth

"You're beautiful, lacus"

Lacus stood there as he looked at rene with shock, the person he loved called him beautiful and he didn't know what to say or how to react, his heart was beating even faster and his face felt more warm than before but he absolutely loved this feeling and didn't want it to stop

"I thought you were beautiful the moment I met you, your lavish hair, soft eyes, gentle smile, and your bright personality, I fell in love with it all, and I've never stopped loving you"

"Rene I,..I've loved you since we met too, I love your personality, laugh and smile, your hair and eyes, just everything about you I loved and it's grown so much it's hard for me to hide it"

They both looked away then back at each other feeling kind of awkward after confessing that they loved each other but they moved closer to each other as they looked into each other's eyes

"Well if you like, we could always be together, I mean as in more than friends" Rene said as he looked to lacus

"I'd like that" Lacus smiled and looked at Rene as he smiled back and leaned towards lacus and closed his eyes, lacus did the same until his lips met rene's as they kissed

They kissed each other passionately and softly as they both melted into the kiss, it was so comforting for them and they loved every part of it

Rene put his arms around lacus' waist as lacus put his arms around rene's neck as they both smiled in their kiss

They had waited for this moment for so long and it made them happier than ever to have liked each other and be able to kiss and be together, it was all they wanted and all they wanted was each other

Their kiss ended as they pulled away from each other and looked into each other's eyes and smiled to each other as they stand there in their secret place they loved and belong to them

"I love you, Lacus"

"I love you too, Rene"

Hi I'm back! I'm so so so so so sorry for not updating anything for so long, I was really busy with school so I didn't have time to write plus I'm starting to get more panic attacks from my anxiety at school and when that happens I just really need to take time to myself and just let them happen and relax and calm myself down, don't worry I do have ideas for my other books I just need to take the time to write them, also I might start a new book of puss in boots x kitty softpaws bc I absolutely love them and the new movie was so amazing and they were so cute in it I love them sm but yea if you want to see that I'll have it coming as soon as possible but for now stay safe and have a good day/night, love y'all <3 :)

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