The Southern Air Temple

Start from the beginning

"What about them?"

Aang's innocent tone sends a spike to the girl's heart. "Well... I just want you to be prepared for what you might see. The Fire Nation is ruthless. They killed my mother, and they could have done the same to your people."

Polu sighs as he leans against the front of the saddle. She's got that right. The Fire Nation pretty much sucks.

Aang gives a feeble smile. "Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all." He stares straight ahead, face turning stony. "They probably escaped."

Katara offers a comforting hand. "I know it's hard to accept."

The boy's smile returns confidently. "You don't understand, Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison. Right, Appa?"

The bison offers a loud growl.

As they reach the steep part of the flight, Polu and Sokka cling tightly to each other and the saddle. Katara finds herself wholeheartedly hoping Appa's fur isn't easy to yank.

Finally, they level out. In front of them sits one of Polu and Aang's favorite places in the world.

"There it is, the Southern Air Temple."

Katara's jaw drops in awe. "Aang, it's amazing!"

Aang smiles fondly. "We're home, Appa. We're home."

When they find a place to land, Polu is quick to take comfort in the solid ground. As much as he may love Appa, he has always had a newfound appreciation for earth each time he returns to it.

Aang and Polu race each other up the mountain.

"I'm gonna beat you!"

"No fair! You're using your airbending!"

The pair come to a stop at the edge of the path, hearts pounding in their chests. Aang points to an area below them as the Water Tribe siblings approach.

"So that's where my friends and I would play airball, and over there is where the bison would sleep. And..." He trails off. Polu's heart sinks in grief, and he can only imagine how Aang feels.

The entire landscape is barren and abandoned, left with no one to care for it for decades.

"What's wrong?" Katara asks.

"This place used to be full of monks, lemurs, and bison. Now..."

"It's just filled with weeds," Polu finishes.

Aang leans against his friend, taking slight comfort in the arm wrapped around him. "I can't believe how much things have changed."

"So, uh... this airball game- how do you play?" Sokka walks forward with a cautious smile.

Polu snorts as Aang's face lights up. "Oh, you are going to regret asking that."

A minute later, Sokka is perched on a wooden pole. Polu has thrown the smaller parka under his first, as the temperatures of high altitudes in winter were quickly seeping through his summer clothes.

That damn waterbender. Why couldn't he have warmer clothes? Who travels with only summer clothes in spring?

Polu snorts as the ball bounces off various posts before hitting Sokka's gut and slamming him through the goal. He winces as the younger teen lands under an overhang.

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