I Hate This

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She was laying on the couch of Kit and her's apartment when Joe's face popped up on her screen and her phone started ringing. She thought it was weird because Joe was supposed to be filming right now and they never had time to go on their phones, let alone call someone. She answered the phone only to be met with a frantic Joe.

"Y/n! You have to get here right now. Something's wrong with Kit and he won't talk to me. Seriously, Y/n, I need you here now. He's not ok. He's having a full on breakdown."

As she listened to the other side of the phone, she started to hear the sound of sobbing in the background.

"Is that Kit?" She asked extremely concerned

"Yes! Now get here right now"

She didn't say anything else as she hung up the phone and ran out the door. Kit has always been comfortable crying in front of his close friends and family. But sobbing? No. Kit only broke down in front of her. It took him a while to get comfortable enough to be able to emotionally break apart while she was in the room but he got there. Y/n had no idea what was wrong with him which led her to panic more because the boy is always telling her his problems and sorrows. She finds it endearing and loving how open he is with her and he is so grateful she's just as open right back.

She sped into the parking lot and came to an abrupt stop when she parked. She jumped out of the car and sprinted on to the set. When she got there, she found Joe standing there waiting to take her back to Kit's trailer, which he did. As the pair continued to come closer Kit's trailer, his sobs became louder and even more heartbreaking. Whatever was going on with him, was painful. She could tell.

Joe looked at y/n before sending her a curt nod and smile and then turning around to walk away. When Joe was out of site, y/n turned her head back towards the trailer, climbed the steps, and opened the door.

When she entered the room, she found Kit hunched over on his couch with his head in his hands and his phone tossed to the side. His head shot up but when his eyes met hers, he only started to cry more. She ran over to him, sat next to him on the couch, and wrapped him in her arms. He sobbed into her shoulder as she began to cry because seeing the love of her life like this was unbearable. His sobs were ringing in her ears. After a few minutes, y/n pulled away and looked Kit dead in his eyes.

"Baby, what's going on?"

He held eye contact with her as his mouth opened and closed and opened once more only for a small, quiet sob to come out. He took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"I just- For so long, I've had to watch these people on social media sexualize me over and over again. It never stops. I- I-" He started to choke up again but pushed through, "I just feel like I'm trapped. Y/n, I can't escape it. Everywhere I turn someone is showing that goddamn photo of me shirtless and I just- I hate it. I hate this."

Each word felt like a stab to the heart for her. She knew how upset Kit got over this and how incredibly uncomfortable he would get. She hated that there was nothing either of them could do to stop it.

She hated this too.

Kit continued to speak, "And then today... I was just scrolling aimlessly through tiktok when I came across this girl talking, in detail, about how 'good in bed I was in her dreams'. In her dreams, Y/n. I can't do this anymore. Thisistoomuch. It'stoomuch."

His breath started to quicken as his words started to come out faster and a little more jumbled. She could see from a mile away that he was experiencing a panic attack in its early stages. She brought her hands up to his shoulders and brought his eyes back to hers.

"Kit. Breathe, baby. Breathe. Please, just breathe for me."

It didn't seem like he was listening so she decided to try a something that she had seen on one of her favorite shows, teen wolf.

Y/n grabbed Kit's face and pulled his lips to hers. He was a bit taken aback but eventually, fell into it. They continued kissing for a moment or two before y/n pulled back and smiled, triumphantly. Kit wasn't even thinking about why he had been crying earlier and began to smile down at her.

"What?" He asked, curiosity bubbling within him

She continued to smile brightly at him while responding, "Nothing. It's just that- When you were having a panic attack I tried that thing. From Teen Wolf. Remember? Ya know, that one scene where Stiles is having a panic attack in the locker room and Lydia tries to get him to breathe but nothing works so she kisses him because she had read it somewhere??" She rambled out as the moment between the two characters resurfaced in Kit's mind and he smiled even more at the memory of Y/n standing on the sofa... screaming while they kissed for the first time. It was one of the moments he knew he had fallen head over heels in love with the girl.

"Yes, baby, I remember." He responded, trying to cut off her cute rambling.

"Well I kissed you and... it worked! Your breathing returned to normal." She stated with a sense of accomplishment.

Kit looked down at her and it was as if time slowed. Without her, he would be nothing. If Joe wouldn't have called her, Kit probably would have cried till he passed out and he knew that. She made everything better. There wasn't a single moment that she didn't make perfect. She was doing it now. With all the upsetting things taking place in his life right now, she was able to make him forget about all of it and just see her. He made a mental note that he would have to remember this as one of the numerous moments he feel even more in love with Y/n Y/l/n.

He went in to kiss her again and this time, he realized something.

There was nothing in this world he couldn't figure out and get passed if he had Y/n. Kit knew that overcoming this crossed boundary would be a great feat but, he had a strong belief he would get though it, as long as he had her. Which was good because neither of them were going anywhere. Anytime soon.

A/N: hiii, its been a sec and i just wanted to get something out there. This is kinda shit lol but i hope it suffices. Just know there are more imagines on their wayyy

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