I heard her say as she stopped. I slightly move my head to look over my shoulder to see her standing there looking down at Mav's books. I felt Mav move the arm I was sort of lean on as he talked back to her,

"But if I reversed on a head cross, I could immediately go to guns on them,"

He replied, to which I nodded in agreement even if am not part of the conversation,

"Yeah, but at that speed, it's too fast. It's a little bit too aggressive."

Charlie commented. As she did, I could see her love Mav up and down, making me roll my eyes. I am starting to think she now into him when she said at the Bar she was not, and also, This is Mav we are talking about. This man does not know how to do anything slowly. I learned that the hard way, when he took me on his back for the first time speeding down the roads, the speed limit to him is just a goal he thinks he needs to go over.

"Too Aggressive, Yeah, I guess when I see something, I go right after it,"

I wanted to throw up at Mav's replies, but because I wanted to keep my food down, I went with nudging him in his ribs with my elbow and pretending it was by mistake as I tried to readjust myself on my set. Was it a childish jealous move? Yes, do I care no,

Mav just turned to look at me, telling me it was ok with his bright smile. I just smiled back before looking up at Charlie, who was writing something but looked up now and then,

"Maybe that would not happen if you were not sitting like that"

She said without looking at us. Mav just laughed, turning his head to look at me as I still had my head turned around,

"No, she fine, just where she is."

To say my face did not start to heat up at his words would be a lie. I needed to look away in the hops no one saw, but as I did, I caught eyes with Slider, who was smiling like a made man at me. I mouthed "Fuck off" to him, which only made him smile bigger,

Charlie did not say anything after that as she pleased down the paper she was writing on; hearing her walk away, I looked around again to see Mav holding a piece of paper with red writing.

"Dinner tonight 5;30 sharp, 100 laurel blach....... Leave the Shadow"

I could not stop the small laugh from my mouth when I read it. I'm guessing I am the Shadow, but it also made me laugh remembering Iceman's words to me on the tarmac calling Mav my shadow.

"I thought she was not interested."

I tell Mav as I look at my watch to see that the day is almost over. I moved off him as I closed up my books,

"I guess she changed her mind after seeing how well I can fly."

I shocked my head at his comments before hitting his shoulder,

"Your so full of yourself, Also Shadow? I'm a shadow now. How lovely"

I said out, not really asking him but just pointing it out. Mav smiled as he folded up Charlie's little love note placing it inside his book before stacking all his stuff up, reaching for his garrison cap and tucking it under his belt before picking his stuff up,

"You a lovely shadow Rose,"

I just rolled my eyes at him,

"Don't try and sweet talk me. It won't work. It's not aggressive enough."

I comment as I walk past him, hearing him hurry up behind. I then felt something pull on my belt, making me stop as a hard chest walks into my back,

"You love it."

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