"Please..." Andrea cried as she shook her head, "Don't do this."

But the thunder behind them crackled in the sky as it began to glow red. 

"It's over," Vecna declared as he continued to stare down Eleven, "Eleven. Your friends... have lost."

Andrea began to tug against the vines as she shook her head, "NO!"

They couldn't lose. They just couldn't.

Eleven's head fell as she began to cry. Andrea sobbed at the flashes of what was happening to their friends. Her brother's screams met her ears causing her to let out a shriek. 

Andrea had failed them.

She had failed all of them.

"There is nothing... nothing you can do to stop this now," Vecna snarled at Eleven as he glared deeply at the younger woman.

Tears rolled down Andrea's cheeks as she tried to get out of the vines. Her vision was still being clouded over by what was happening to their friends. Watching as Eddie was attacked by the bats with Dustin screaming for him. 

No, no, no. Andrea didn't want to believe it as everything within her began to turn inside out.

Vecna's hands gripped tightly against Eleven's jaw as he spoke, "Hawkins will burn and fall. And the rest of this senseless broken world and I will be there. I will be there to pick up the pieces when it does."

Andrea could see that the vines had once again picked up her friends. She could see Steve struggling to fight against them as her body lay on the floor untouched. Their screams.. their faces... Andrea wanted to die. 

"And remake it into something... beautiful," Vecna snarled as he spoke slowly making sure his words were taken by Eleven, he grunted before adding, "There was a time when I had hoped to have you by my side. But now I just want you to watch," Eleven whimpered as he walked away from her.

This was really it. This was the end.

"TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Andrea cried out as she began to thrash in the hold of the vines, "KILL ME!"

Her voice was so broken but Andrea did not want to live if the others died. If her brother had to suffer, if Steve had to suffer, if anyone she cared about had too... she would rather lose her life. 

"Just kill me," Andrea begged as her voice broke.

What was the purpose of her living if everything she cared for would die? She wanted to die with them if she couldn't do anything. If she could, then she'd take their place.

There was no reason for Andrea to live. Not after everything in her life that she had done. The bad outweighs the good. She deserved to be put to an eternal rest before the innocence of her friends did. 

"KILL ME!" Andrea screamed causing Vecna to stop and look over in her direction.

Andrea's entire body shook as a sob left her lips. Her green eyes were full of sadness and despair. It was then that Vecna had truly realized the weight this held on her but he had a mission to complete. With or without Andrea by his side.

She now stared at him, not clouded over by anything for a brief moment before her eyes flashed over with another sight. The vines let up on Steve before it went away in a flash. A shake of Vecna's head ensued before he continued to walk forward.

Andrea watched as Eleven whimpered and cried as the vines wrapped around her before another one wrapped around Andrea's mouth as Vecna walked over to Max who was crying. He caressed her cheek as she sobbed.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now