Chapter 2: I can't help it

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"I hate to cut this short, ladies." A voice said

"Why, Mother Miranda. I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow."

The burning gaze of Mother Miranda sat onto Alcina as she overheard there conversation from earlier. 

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Yes, but somethings had come up earlier than expected" Mother Miranda look at Alcina and then her gaze boring into Aradia second. "I can't smell your scent on my daughter." Miranda scowled causing both Donna and Alcina to stiffen. "Ah, Yes. I had to drink before I could go feral and I accidentally rubbed it on her." Aradia had told the truth and lied a little at some parts. 

"I don't want that to happen again." Miranda sneered at the two tall ladies. "Yes, Mother Miranda." Alcina swallowed, once more stiffing as she felt Miranda's hands on her shoulders. "Good, that's a good girl." Miranda chuckled darkly causing Donna and Alcina to wince at the tone. As for Aradia. All she could do was witness how the ladies reacted to their 'Mother' causing her to think. 

"So, I wanted to talk about something. But I'm sure it can wait. I have something to talk to you about, Alcina. Privately." Miranda said once again as she walked toward Alcina's old study with Alcina in tow. Donna put down her tea cup but underneath that vile you knew she was looking worried for her big sister. "I'm sorry but I'm guessing when she means talk she actually means argue?" You guessed causing Donna to nod her head as she looked in the direction she seen her sister and mother walk off to. 

"Ah, explains why there was tension in the air." Aradia nodded in thought. "So, I heard a lot about you and Angie, when I stayed with Miranda." Aradia said as she took another sip from her tea cup. "Oh? I mean she would speak highly about my hallucinogenic plant." Aradia sighed. "Yeah, the most I have heard about was your plants. But I would love to get to know you. I just like how shy you are." Aradia chuckled as she heard a little speak from the woman in front of her. "I suppose we can arrange something." Donna took another sip of her tea and reached for a biscuit that was beside the tea pots and cups. 

"So, why does Alcina loath her 'brother' Heisenberg?" Aradia looked in the direction of the door that was opening to reveal a maid. "Oh, they did like each other. But Cina took me in after Miranda was done using me for her own medical purposes. But Karl was always talk about how he was never loved and stuff like that which caused Alcina to be offended which caused them to be driven by madness to split and never talk to each other again." Donna lifted her veil as she took a bite out her biscuit. 

"Why do you where the veil every where you go? You look beautiful, Donna." Aradia giggled as she seen Donna in a hurry to put her veil back over her face. "Yes, I keep telling her that too but she won't listen to me regardless." Alcina walked back into the main hall with Miranda right behind her. "Oh really?" Aradia smirked in Donna's direction making Donna wince away from her smirking gaze. 

"I'm aware of the circumstances, Alcina. Oh! Aradia before I make a departure I would  like to inform you that your castle is still under construction and therefore you'll have to stay with Alcina a little longer than expected. " Miranda nodded who was now walking toward the door. Aradia smile only grew bigger when she saw the look of annoyance on Lady Dimitrescu's face. Donna only chuckling when the time came right, Aradia taking her advantage she had gotten up from her seat and silently walked over to Alcina with her looking the other way from both of the woman. 

"I think we should talk about me staying here, right? Alcina~" Aradia grazed her fangs over Alcina's neck causing her flinch away a little and rolling her eyes at Aradia once realizing it was just the other tall woman in the room. Aradia took note as Alcina flinched away from her. Maybe teasing was a little too much at this point mainly with Miranda just visiting unexpectedly. Much to their surprise they heard a small giggle coming from the other room causing all to look in the direction of the small mewling and giggling. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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