
"Damn nigga yo ass really finna be a dad I would've never imagined." Tre said laughing as they all we're sitting on the couch. Tre and Brook came over a while after they got out the shower.

"I know shit crazy." Jaylen smiled looking at Kayla giving her a kiss on the forehead.

They talked and Kayla and Brook went upstairs while Jaylen and Tre smoked and after a while they had came back downstairs.

"Bae pass me that water bottle." Jaylen said pointing to the water bottle that was beside Kayla.

"Here." She handed it to him.

"Thank y- ." He was cut off by loud banging at the door.

"Who the fuck is that?" Tre asked looking up from his phone.

"Ion know." He said getting up to look out the window.

"Aye that's twelve." He said looking back at Tre.

"What?" Kayla and Tre said at the same time standing up and Brook stood up after them.

"You Jaylen Thomas?" A officer asked when he opened the door.

"Yeah why wassup." He said confused.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Kacey Donovan, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." The officer said saying bando's real name and grabbed Jaylens arm turning him around and put hand cuffs on him.

"Aw hell nah." Tre said walking over to them.

"What no." Kayla's heart sunk and she ran over to Jaylen.

"Bae chill it's alright." He said when he seen Kayla's eyes getting watery and her lips quivering.

"No don't tell me to chill when your getting arrested for fucking murder." She said through her gritted teeth grabbing his arm and yanked him towards her while a tear fell down her eye.

"Hands off." The other officer said putting his hand on Kayla's and pulled her hand off of Jaylens arm then he pushed her making her stumble and Brook got behind her catching her.

"Aye don't put yo fucking hands on her like that." Jaylen said getting loud mugging the officer.

"Right you ain't gotta do allat." Tre said mugging both the officers.

"Alright let's go." The officer that had Jaylen in hand cuffs said and turned around walking away with tight grip on Jaylens arm.

"No." Kayla said snatching her arm out of brooks grip about to run after them but Brook held her back again.

"I love you." Jaylen said looking back at Kayla seeing her cry.

The officers put Jaylen in the police car then closed the door. Kayla turned around then hugged brook and cried on her shoulder when she seen them leave.

"It's ok." Brook said rubbing her back as she cried.

"No." Kayla said lowly shaking her head sobbing.

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