"Yeah but what if I convince him to stop liking me and turn his attention to you." I suggested.

"Yeah like that's gonna work." She said rolling her eyes.

"I'm serious. I will do it." I said to her.

"Fine, but there's one more problem...I'm moving to Canada." I gave her a confused look.

"Then why did you want to meet me?" I asked.

"Because, my plan was to torture you, but now since your gonna help me get Julian, I decided not to."

"Okay?" I said a little frightened.

"Okay, I guess we are done here. You better convince him."

"Yeah, I will. But, one more thing...When are you leaving for Canada?"



"Yep. We'll see you loser." She said walking out of the cafe. Well, I sure know one thing, that girl goes through a lot of mood swings, and by a lot I mean, VERY VERY MANY. I finished my hot chocolate and took out my phone. I texted Will to come and get me. I figure that I would convince Julian tomorrow. I got up and headed outside to wait for Will. I waited in the cold air as something caught my eye. Someone was walking towards me from across the street. I looked up and saw Julian, but what frightened me was a shiny metal thing that he had in his hand. I freaked out and ran away. I looked behind me and saw him chasing me. Really why this....now.

I stopped as a brick wall blocked me from going anywhere. I turned and faced Julian.

"Not this again." I muttered.

"Yep, this again." He said smiling.

"What do you want now? I already sorted everything out with Gigi." I said.

"Wait, what? I thought Gigi wanted to torture you?" He said putting down the shiny metal thing he had. Okay, so to torture me, Gigi wanted Julian to chase me to death? Maybe she is really and very evil minded.

"Not anymore, she even told me. So, I must be going." I said walking past him. But there was a slight tug on my arm.

"Wait your not going off just like that."

"Come on Julian, I have to get going home."

"I know, but first tell me something." He said getting closer to me.

"Okay." I simply said a little afraid.

"How do....you know...that...your...in love with someone?" I thought it was going to be something crazy like....I don't know.....something crazy I had to do. But anyways, back to the question.

"Well, there's many ways that you could find out if it's love. Like for example, if your around them, you feel like your temperature is rising or also, you feel butterfly's in your stomach. Sometimes, even when you simply touch them, it feels like sparks fly inside of you with happiness." I said smiling to the ground, thinking of one person, and one person only.

"Wow, that's love?" I nodded. "Can you do me a favor?" I nodded a little unsure. "Kiss me." He simply said.

"No, Julian, I can't I don't love you, I-"

"I know. But maybe this is the way to finally let you go." I took a big deep breath.

"Fine. But only 5 seconds. No more than that. And also, don't touch me, just a simple kiss." He nodded. I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. I felt him lean towards my face. Was I really about to do this? I'm crazy! What if this was a trick...and he will never let me go. What if-

I was cut off by his lips on mine. I just stayed still counting the seconds, which by the way, went by really slow. 3, 2, 1. I said in my head before he pulled away. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked like he was thinking.

"Well, are you going to let me go, or not?" I said.

"I...didn't feel anything, it was just a plain kiss." Once he said that, I felt over joyed. "Then I guess that means, I don't love you." He said with a frown. He put his back against the wall and slid down. I was tempted to sit next to him, but I decided that I shouldn't.

"Sorry, but there are other girls out there. How about Gigi?" I asked. He looked up.

"What about her?" He asked.

"Well, what if you gave her a chance?"

"Like, ask her out?" He had a confused look on his face.

"Yeah. To be honest, she really likes you."

"Your not messing with me, are you?" He asked while standing up.

"I'm not. Look, trust me, she likes you. If I were you I would go to her house right now. Oh, and by the way, she's going to Canada."

"Canada!? When is she leaving?" He asked.

"Tomorrow. So, you should go." I said.

"Okay, you better not be messing with me." He said to me.

"I'm not. I promise you. Now go."

"Thank you, Autumn. And I'm sorry for all the things I put you through." He said walking away.

"It's fine." I said back.

"Oh and Autumn, I won't bother you no more." He said before he left my sight. I smiled to myself. I got my bag from the floor, and put on my shoulder.


I held my cheek in pain. I looked up and saw who hit me. It was Jake. I remember him being really abusive when he was with Allie.

"What was that for?" I screamed.

"For convincing Allie to break up with me. Now your gonna get it!" He said grabbing me from my neck and slamming me against the wall. I think it's time to bring out Allie's 'surprise gift'. I took it out and pointed it to Jake. He backed away in defense.

"There's no way, Autumn, would pull the trigger." He said as I held the gun in my hand. From behind him, I saw some policemen heading towards us.

"You know what your right. Here you can have, just kill me right now." I said throwing the gun to him. He caught and looked at it. He smiled and pointed to me. I closed my eyes.

~Will's P.O.V.~

"I was waiting for her but she never came." I said trying to explain why Autumn didn't come back with me.

"What!" Gabe screamed.

"I'm so sorry Gabe." I said to him.

"I have to go find her!" Gabe said as he tried to walk out the door, but Dana and Cole held him back.

"No, you can't. You might do something stupid." Dana said.

"But she's out there!" Gabe said with pain in his eyes. Cole and Dana sat him down on the couch as he put his head on his face.


Everyone tried calling and texting Autumn, but she didn't answer. They were all waiting for something, until there was a knock on the door.
Hello! Sorry for not updating sooner, but I've been really busy. I only got one entry for the contest. You guys can send in more if you would like. Sorry for the sucky update. And also sorry if this update didn't make sense. Comment and Vote!!! Love you guys!!!

The Girl in the Turquoise Shoes.(IM5 Fanfic.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя