Chapter ten:The temple

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Robotnik drove all the way to a small island off the coast of Hawaii.
Robotnik chained Knuckles and Nadia together so Nadia wouldn't escape.
Nadia was shivering even though she was in a warm climate.
They kept walking into traps and nearly avoided death countless times.
"Why can't we just climb the walls?"Nadia asked
"Because that would be dishonorable and deceitful."Knuckles replied
"There's not really a rule saying that you can't climb the walls."Nadia said
"We're not climbing anything!"Robotnik said
After a while of running into traps Knuckles decided to punch through the walls.
Eventually they made it to the room with the Master emerald.
"We found it!"Knuckles said
"Yes,'we' found it."Robotnik smirked.
Nadia looked behind her at Robotnik and saw that he was going to kill Knuckles.
Nadia tackled Knuckles out of the way shoving him to the ground.
"I just saved your ungrateful butt!"Nadia exclaimed
Suddenly Sonic entered the room.
"Nadia how the heck did you get here?!"Sonic asked
"Long story,and I'm not going to tell it right now."Nadia replied
"Must you ruin everything hedgehog?"Knuckles asked
"I'm just trying to not die and save the world."Sonic said
"Hey Butt-nick's trying to steal the gem thingy."Nadia said.
"Do not try to deceive me Wolf."Knuckles said
"Just look!"Sonic exclaimed
Knuckles looked behind him to see Robotnik trying to grab the Master Emerald.
"Robotnik,that wasn't the deal!"Knuckles said
"You should've known I would betray you,Any person with brains would've seen that a mile away or 1.6 kilometers."
"Don't even think about it!"Sonic exclaimed
Sonic started running toward robotnik to try to stop him.
"Don't run from me Hedgehog!"Knuckles went to hit Sonic but Nadia stopped him.
He was able to grab Sonic's leg and pull him down.
Sonic punched him but Nadia pulled Knuckles back using the handcuffs.
"Stop fighting;You two are fighting with the wrong enemy!"Nadia exclaimed
"Do not tell me who to fight Wolf,I will not be restrained by your hands."Knuckles growled
Robotnik grabbed the emerald and it evaporated into him.
His clothes turned black and green lightning was shooting out of him.
"HE'S GETTING AWAY!"Sonic yelled
"Later Haters!"Robotnik exclaimed
As soon as the emerald was removed from its place the temple started falling apart and flooding with ocean water.
Sonic got as high as he could but Knuckles got trapped under a crumbling pillar with Nadia still chained to him.
"Nadia?Knuckles?Where are you?"Sonic started looking around very frantically.
He saw Nadia raise her hand above the rising waters desperately trying to swim.
Knuckles didn't try to escape from the pillar,he just laid there and accepted his fate.
Nadia was struggling to free Knuckles so that they could both escape but the pillar wouldn't budge.
Sonic dropped on the water with a Boulder to try and hold himself under the water.
Sonic tried to help Nadia push the pillar then Knuckles noticed that they were trying to save him.
Knuckles pushed the pillar and it finally moved.
Knuckles swam upwards dragging Nadia with him leaving Sonic behind.
As soon as they got above water they realized something wasn't right.
"Wait,where's the hedgehog?"Knuckles asked
"He can't swim!We need to go back now!"Nadia exclaimed
Knuckles nodded and swam back down to grab Sonic.
Knuckles dragged Sonic and Nadia to the shore. Sonic coughed up some water.
"Why did you save me?"Sonic asked
"Your sister knows you well hedgehog,Now unrestrain me from this wolf before I do it myself."Knuckles replied
"Here let me help..."Sonic used his quill to pick the lock.
Knuckles sat down in a very sad manner.
Sonic and Nadia sat next to eachother.
"Knuckles,are you okay?"Sonic asked
"Don't talk to me,I'm not in the mood..."Knuckles said
"If you want to talk,talk to the other one."
Sonic looked at Nadia and Nadia put her ears down.
"Why didn't you go through the portal?"Sonic asked
"I'm sorry,I just,I got scared and I hesitated,I don't feel like explaining it right now..."Nadia sighed digging her face into her knees.
"It's okay,just please don't do that again."Sonic said
There was an awkward silence for a moment but then Sonic smiled and grabbed a handful of sand.
"Psst,Nadia..."Sonjc whispered
Nadia looked at Sonic as he readied his arm to throw the sand ball at Knuckles.
"C'mon Knuckles we can be friends,we don't have to be enemies."
"What type of trick are you planning hedgehog?"Knuckles asked
"I'm not trying to trick you,I just want to be friends with you."Sonic smiled
"You and that wolf get along well,but we are from opposite sides our friendship would be forbidden."Knuckles replied
"It doesn't matter what sides we're from,besides that's in the past."
Knuckles took a second and inhaled deeply.
"Fine;I will accept your request of friendship,both you and the Wolf."
"Uh our names are Sonic and Nadia."Sonic said
Nadia heard a plane a short distance away.
"Hey it's Tails!"Sonic exclaimed
"Only Sonic the hedgehog needs rescuing this much."Tails laughed

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