Chapter 4 - Temple

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Hi everyone, I know I have left this place for a very long time due to personal issues and I couldn't help it as the circumstances didn't helped me either.

But now I felt like coming back and so I am here. I am not going to promise weekly updates as it's too much stress to write like that but I will write for sure.

I also want to tell you guys that I am going a bit slow in the story as I want to write on some small details as well. So I hope you guys won't mind.

Enjoy the update. :-)

She opened her eyes feeling warm sunlight on her eyes. She blinked eyes two three times before realizing the surrounding of her room. Sunrise? Did I slept throughout the day? She wondered as she felt her body was slight sore but much better. She remember her mother healing her and then helped her walk till her room and the moment she drank the liquid given by her she slept off. Must be one strong healing drink.

Remembering last day events broke her from inside. It wasn't for the first time, she don't know when all this will end and when those days will be back when her father loved her more than his life. The thought itself bring tears to her eyes. She sighed and tried to get up when she saw the clock on the bedroom wall making her gasp in shock.

Oh no... it's past 8. That means training is already over. I will surely get punishment for missing this session. Beta will surely torture me endless now.

"Nothing will happen. Relax"

Khushi turned to face her mother coming inside with a tray filled with breakfast and same bitter potion from yesterday. She smiled softly at her while keeping the tray on the bedside. She caressed her face while kissing her forehead affectionately.

"How are you feeling now khushi?"

"I am much better maa. Thanks to you.. but what do you mean by nothing will happen"

"Good. Now go and get fresh and have this breakfast and medicine and then we need to go somewhere" she avoiding her question while arranging her breakfast.

She got confused by her mother's stance. "maa.. why are you not answering my question and where we need to go? What about my training and I missed it today, beta Tarun will punish me for that" she asked holding her hand.

Aakanksha sighed and sat by her side hold her hand in hers before looking into her daughter's questioning eyes.
"Khushi I already informed Tarun that you won't be coming today as we are going to Goddess temple"

"We are?" she asked confused as she doesn't remember that program being made.

"Yes. Just two of us and that is why I brought the breakfast here. Now go get fresh" she said pushing her daughter towards bathroom.

Khushi quickly got showered only halting a while to look at her marks all over her back and got ready before joining her mother as she kept her favourite breakfast in front of her. She quickly ate everything making her mother chuckle. In the end she had to drink that bitter potion. Can't deny maa...

When her mother kept tray outside for help to take it back she couldn't help but get more confused.

"maa.. did you have breakfast? And is Dad okay now?"

Her mother sighed she knew what she really wanted to ask her.

"We ate breakfast together and he went to prison to interrogate the rogue you caught yesterday with Tarun after training"

Khushi could feel her mother's pain. Her father is so distant from her mother like she is just stranger. Like she is just a formal title holder with him and not his soulmate. This all happened that night and she feels responsible for it more than ever not for anything else but for what happened to her family and her pack. It broke her beautiful family forever.

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