Chapter 2

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No one's POV

"I'll kill you all!! I'll kill you all!!!"

He shouts as he strikes all of the enemies down with his katana. His eyes welled up in tears as he shout again in anguish.

His heart aches when the image of his beloved display itself in his mind. His beloved omega, laying down on his chest with an arrow stands tall on his back. His beautiful blue eyes are deemed with no light in them. Not far from his beloved corpse is another corpse. A little bundle of baby wrapped in their clothes. Even without anyone saying anything, he knows who the baby belongs. That just added to the pain he felt that night. He's a failure as an alpha.

He shouts as he strikes down another enemy.  His eyes have a dangerous glint in them. How dare they, how fucking dare they killed his beloved!

"I'll fucking kill you all!"

The blond hair male holds the katana to the enemy soldier's neck before he slices it and in a split second block the attack behind him. In the corner of his eyes, he could see his partner shout a battle cry while slicing the enemy left and right. Eyes also welled up in tears like his.


Someone shouts behind him, he turns around just in time to see one of the enemy soldiers holding the katana up high ready to strike him. At the same time behind him, he could feel someone point the katana to his back. He got no ways out. Letting out a battle cry, the soldiers strike down. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his partner getting stabbed. Lone tears fall from his eyes socket and a small smile made its way to his handsome face. The thought of meeting his omega again made him feel lighter.

'is this my end?'

A dead look in his eyes met the enemy above.

Like hell it is, he still didn't get revenge for his beloved. And looks like his partner has the same thought with how he slices the one who stabbed him in half. The upper body falls to the ground with blood puddling around it.

"Just wait for a little more mitchy, just a little bit more and we'll meet you again"

Inhaling a huge sum of air he shouts.


His eyes narrow at the figure standing on the watch tower. Looked down at him with those sly-looking eyes. A big smug grin carved on his ugly face. Oh if only he could punch that face till no one recognise it.


His end was not at all a thing or a scene that a person wants to remember, he died a cruel death, he died when he was oh so close to striking down his beloved murderer. He was so fucking close to that fucking killer if it's not for a traitor in his pack that suddenly change sides and stabs him in the back. He remember the voice so well, that person was one of his best friends that stand by his side since he was a little, along with his other friends.

He never thought that the one he thought of as someone he could trust could stab their back like that. Yes, their. Before he let out his last breath he could hear how the backstabber send his report to kisaki saying all of his other packmates are now dead. That means his other mate is also dead. This pain of betrayal is second to the loss of his mate and child.

The only thing he could feel at that time is rage. But not long as his life flashes before his eyes. A small smile made its way to his bloodied face. The only good thing that could happen to him after this is meeting his beautiful omega and his other mate in the afterlife. He wants to apologize for not being there when he need them the most. Maybe even grovel for the omega to forgive him. But knowing his omega for years now, he knows his omega would forgive him and just ask him to forget it all. Let the past be in the past. He won't be them for being late instead he will welcome them with a big smile and arms stretch for a hug.

At least.... that's what he thought would happen. But fate has some other plans for him and his mate.

Imagine his surprise when he woke up as a teenager name Sano manjirou, his sister's descendent.

It was supposed to be a normal day for Sano manjirou, he was supposed to be at the shrine to meet up with his other gang member when his sister, Emma,  suddenly asked him to run an errand. Being the good big brother that he is, he reculantly Made his way to the supermarket to buy whatever are written on the long and long list. His right eye twitches in annoyance staring at the long list in hand.

"Oi Mikey, hurry up!"

Hearing the call, he looks up to his Vice President and best friend ryuguuji ken or in short ken-chin. But most people know him as Draken.

"Yeah yeah"

He pout and take a step forward from where he stood when suddenly a pain he never felt before ran through his whole body. He let out a groan of pain before he takes a knee in front of the mall entrance. Memories he has never seen before are flooding his head and from the corner of his eyes, he could see Draken feeling the same way with how he is holding his head in pain. The scowl on his face is evidence of it.

What are all these memories he is seeing? Whose memories does it belong to?

He black out.

Mikey stares at the big building in Infront of him in wonder and confusion, the moving car that nonstop drives past him and all the other people wearing modern clothes. A couple walking their dog, a child crying and asking to be picked up, a vendor shouting to attract customers to come to his cart and buy his product and many other new things he has never seen before.

What's this 4 round black thingy that is under a big block of.....steel? And moving around passing him at such speed he never thought anything could achieve. Sure they have a carriage, but he doubts horses could speed that much compared to this......whatever it is called.

What is this new world? Where are the soldiers that were supposed to conquer the battlefield? Where are the many katana that laid on the ground and corpses that one after another should be after being cut off? Where is the blood that was supposed to colour the battles? Where is kisaki?

But more importantly,

"Where am I?"
.I'm sorry if there's wrong grammar and I hope you enjoyed 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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