❄ Chapter 2 ❄

Start from the beginning

As light made its way into my eyes again. I was still in the tent.

You: 'So it was a dream.'

I stepped out of the tent to see Aether sitting on a rock staring at the ocean, and Paimon eating fish.

I walked up to them.

You: "Morning."

Aether: "Morning. You ready?"

You: "Yeah. Ready to get off this beach."

Paimon finished her fish and floated to us.

Paimon: "Great! Let's get going."

We both nodded. Aether stood up from his sitting place and we both followed paimon. Aether kept staring at me for a while and it was making me a little uncomfortable.

You: "Do you want to tell me something Aether?"

Aether: "Do you have a weapon? We will most likely encounter enemies along the journey."

I shook my head.

Aether: "Oh well don't worry we'll find one along the way ms.."

You: 'Oh yeah I didn't give them my name.'

You: "Y/n L/n."

He smiled.

Aether: "That's a beautiful name."

His compliment made my face heat up a little. I'm not used to being complimented like that. Especially from a pretty boy like him.

You: "Thank you."

We walked up the tip of a cliff to see a beautiful view of the area.

You: 'After all that's happened yesterday, I never noticed how beautiful this place is

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You: 'After all that's happened yesterday, I never noticed how beautiful this place is.'

Paimon: "Look there's a statue of the Seven!"

We looked at where Paimon was point to see a statue in the middle of the lake.

Paimon: "There are few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protection over the world."

Paimon: "Among the seven gods, this one controls the wind."

She looks at Aether.

Paimon: Paimon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God, but Paimon'll take you both to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why. Come on.

As we followed Paimon she talked more about the god and how someone could possibly find his sister.

We made it to the Statue of the Seven. Aether walked up to the statue grazing his hand on it. The statues aura turned blue and some green orb flew off the statues hands and into his chest.

You: 'This is reminding me of legend of zelda.'

Paimon: "Ooo~ did you just feel the elements of the world?"

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