You simply buried your face in his chest so he wouldn't notice the maddening blush spreading to your ears. "You're not supposed to say poetic things like that out of nowhere. I'm supposed to be the literature student here."

"Aww, it's okay, (Y/N). There, there." Minho murmured as he stroked your back. You refused to sit back up until your heart rate turned to normal, rendering him stuck to comfort your flustered frame. He almost enjoyed these moments too much and decided to reward himself by finishing the last of his iced americano.

Eventually, you were reminded of your own abandoned drink by the sound of sloshing ice and sat back up. On the table lay a cup of half-finished iced latte, or what used to be iced latte before the ice cubes melted and no doubt watered down your drink. You set it off the side and looked back at Minho. "Hey, let me pay you back for my drink."


That was another thing you liked about Minho. Always so straightforward and upfront that you never have to be left guessing what he's thinking. He never questioned why you demanded to assume total responsibility for everything you touched and why you refused to accept anything from anyone without the gesture being squarely returned. He simply let you be, and you were grateful for that.

However, a thorough search through your backpack revealed your wallet wasn't inside despite practically having its contents turned inside out. An exasperated sigh escaped your lips. "My wallet must be in my dorm. I told you not to drag me to a cafe on such short notice."

Minho whined in defence. "Can you blame me? This was supposed to be a study date."

"Just what studying did you think the two of us were going to be doing? We're in two completely different majors."

With a hopeful grin, he tried, "A historical analysis of law during the era of Shakespeare?" to which you responded with a quizzical brow. When he saw that you didn't buy it, he slumped down the seat in defeat. "Fine... I admit I just wanted to see you really badly."

You saw this as an opportune moment to plant a kiss on his nose, giggling at his slightly startled expression. "You're adorable when you're pouty, you know that?"

"Of course I know that." He shrugged. "It's just one of my many charming points that you fell in love with."

You folded your arms over your chest, not even fighting the smile that took over your face. "Damn right I did. I wouldn't be hiding it from my brother for six months if I weren't absolutely infatuated with you."

"That's my girl."

With an extended hand, you helped Minho sit back up before you conjointly tidied up the table. When you were finished, you dusted your hands and pulled him out of the booth, one hand still holding onto your watered-down coffee. "Alright, now let's go back to my dorm so I can pay you back."

"You're not worried about Seungmin being there on one of his 25 daily checkups?" He laughed under his breath.

"Oh, he won't be there. He'll be visiting our parents today."


For the umpteenth time that day, Seungmin checked his wristwatch with growing irritation at every passing second. He knew he should have called you about the present he was supposed to be bringing to your parents.

If it weren't for your habitual forgetfulness, he would have left for the train earlier that morning, but here he stood, rapping on the door to your dorm yet again as his foot tapped along impatiently. He gnawed on the inside of his cheek, regretting not stopping by before your morning classes to pick it up. Now he was going to be late.

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