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Head of the Family
Suman Pandya:- Widow of Darshan Pandya. Mother of 4 sons. Mother-in-law to 2 daughters-in-law.

Elder Son/Daughter-in-law of Suman Pandya
Gautam Pandya:- Elder Son of Pandya Family. Husband of Dhara Pandya. Elder brother to 3 brothers. Man of words. Kind in nature. Working hard to fulfil his father dream. Loves his family a lot. Works in his fathers shop.

Dhara Pandya:- Elder Daughter-in-law of Pandya Family. Wife of Gautam Pandya. Sister-in-law to 3 brothers of Gautam Pandya. A hard-working lady faced many difficulties to keep her family together.
Women full of immense love and care towards family and other people. A housewife.
Second Eldest Son/Daughter-in-law of Suman Pandya
Dev Pandya:- Second Eldest Son of Pandya Family. Husband of Rishita. Elder to 2 more brothers. Kind hearted person. Loves his Rishita and Family the most. Father of Radhika. Works with his brothers.

Rishita Pandya:- Second Eldest Daughter-in-law of Pandya Family. Wife of Dev Pandya. Sister-in-law to 2 brothers of Dev. Rude and arrogant but kind-hearted. Always helps everyone. Loves Dev and his family the most. Mother of Radhika.

The hero and Third Eldest Son of Suman Pandya
Shiva Pandya:-  Third Eldest Son of Pandya Family. Kind-hearted person but a Angry Young Man. Loves someone and his family a lot. Misses someone a lot. Works with brothers but also completing his dream of becoming an engineer. As someone wanted him to fulfil his dream.

Youngest Son of Suman Pandya
Krish Pandya:- Youngest in the house. Very naive. A dramatic person. A college going student.

Radhika Pandya:- Daughter of Dev and Rishita. A bubbly girl. Love her family a lot specially her Shiva Chachu.

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