Chapter 19 Pi Max and Nong Nat (18+)

Start from the beginning

He has to make sure that their love reaches deeper levels.

He must be a good Pi.

Nat lies turned sideways to Max, looking at him as he fights another inner battle.

His Pi is so closed off.

He always wants to fight everything out with himself alone.

They've known each other long enough.

He should know that his Nong can read him.

"Max, I have a wish I'm sure you can grant," he purrs after they let Zee's lustful quiver float away with prolonged silence.

"Any one, Nat! I'll grant you any wish!" his Pi answers him.

And Nat's heart melts.


This man is the fulfillment of all his dreams.

Nat dares to get a little closer and kisses Max on the cheek.

"I can tell something's bothering you. That cute little crease between your eyebrows gives you away!" explains Nat as he briefly touches and finally kisses that heavenly crease, "I wish you'd talk to me. You always withdraw into yourself and I don't know what rages inside you. We do love each other! Please talk to me!", Nat's tender plea rings out in front of Max's face.

Max smiles.

His Nong knows him so well.

And Max's heart just yearns for it.

He approaches him and kisses his sweet lips.

And hears the suppressed sigh of Nat's longing.

Nat swallows his desire and wants to let his Pi do the talking.

Only his red shimmering cheeks betray the heat in his delicate body.

Cheeks that Max is now looking at with that special look.

His Nong is just too adorable.

He feels such a strong impulse rising inside him.

And the sweet taste of his lips still floats on his.

Max licks his lips and swallows his urge.

His Nong has been wanting him to share.

An exchange.

Finally, without cameras.

"Mhmmm!" begins Max, marveling at the deep, excited undertone in his voice.

And he clears his throat again before stepping back in.

"Nat, it's our age difference that always gets to me. I lose control and afterwards I regret showing myself to you like that. I want to be a good Pi. You deserve to be able to rely on me. I want to be your rock. But the attraction you have for me always sweeps me into wild floods. I can't do that. I don't want you to think I only want your body. I love your spirit, your mind, your humor, your heart, you as a whole!" it bubbles out boldly from Max, "I want to control myself better so we can get even closer."

And Nat feels tears immediately spring to his eyes.

He just can't believe his luck.

So his Max doesn't want to reduce him to just his body.

And he feels his guilty conscience, knocking against his consciousness.

This incredibly hot guy, with that stunning face and sexy body cares about not making Nat feel reduced to his body.

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