The Black Mark, Negotiations and A Daring Rescue.

Start from the beginning

"Well then it's the locker for you! Joneses terrible leviathan will find you. Will drag The Pearl back to the depths and you with her." With each word Bootstrap leans closer to Jack until they are nose to nose.

"Any idea when Jones might release said terrible beastie?" Jack asks innocently.

"I done told you Jack, Times up." Bootstrap grabs Jacks hand and presses the center of his palm. "It comes now, drawn with ravenous hunger, to the man what my bears the black spot."

Jack looks at the palm of his left hand, where a black spot boils into view. Jack looks up, but Bootstrap has disappeared!

Jack turns and runs across the wooden deck of The Pearl. "On deck all hands! Make fast the bunt gasket! On deck! Scurry! Scurry-on, Marty! I want movement! I want movement!"

Gibbs rolls out of his hammock and hits the deck of the ship.

"All on deck! Run! And keep running! Run as if the devil himself and itself is upon us!" Jack shouts.

"Do we have a heading?" Gibbs asks and peers around the main mast where Jack is hiding.

"Ah! Ooh! Run! Land." Jack replies and rises from where he was ducked behind the base of the mast, to rush to the other side only to be confronted by Gibbs again. "Oh! Euh!"

"Which port?"

"Didn't say port. I said land! Any land!" Jack insists. The monkey swings down and grabs Jack's hat and climbs the rigging to hiss at Jack, Jack hisses back and the monkey throws Jack's hat overboard.

"Jack's hat! Bring 'er about!" Gibbs calls out.

"No, no! Leave it! Run!" Jack rushes away and the crew are left confused and shocked until Gibbs hurries them to their duties.

Port Royal Prison

Will and The Governor rapidly descend stone steps into the prison and the guard at the bottom of the steps holds a long gun with a bayonet on the end. "Here now. He can't be here." The guard objects but Will pays him no mind and rushes to the cell to tell Elizabeth and Charlotte what his plan is.

"I think you will find he can." Governor Swann insists.

"Mister Swann...," The guard begins

"Governor Swann still! You think I wear this wig to keep my head warm!"

"Jack's Compass. What does Beckett want with that?" Elizabeth asks.

"Does it matter?" Will responds, "I'm to find Jack and convince him to return to Port Royal. In exchange the charges against us will be dropped."

"No" Governor Swann insists. "We must find our own avenue to secure your freedom."

"Is that lack of faith in Jack, or in Will?" Charlotte ask her father and all three of them look at the Governor with challenge in their eyes.

Weatherby Swann is dismayed to see the disappointment in his daughter's eyes but he stands his ground. He will not risk his children's lives and futures to a blacksmith and a pirate. "That you would all risk your lives to save Sparrow's does not mean he would do the same for anyone else. Now, where is that dog with the keys?" He moves away with a whistle.

"We have faith in you. Both of you." Charlotte tells her best friend.

Elizabeth agrees with a nod. "Where will you find him?" She asks her fiancé.

"Tortuga. I'll start there, and I won't stop searching 'til I find him." Will answers and then motions with his eyes towards the Governor at Charlotte. She takes the hint and moves towards her father to distract him and give the couple a moment to say their goodbyes.

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