Chapter Five: Lucky

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Nightfall descended, wrapping the world in a cloak of darkness as I stood by the tranquil lake, feeling a sense of unease settle over me. Unlike other nights, the future lay shrouded in mystery, devoid of the usual visions that danced through my mind. It was disconcerting, to say the least, and I couldn't help but wonder what it meant.

Following the winding path of glistening stones, I made my way to my favorite spot by the water's edge, shedding my shoes beneath the protective canopy of an ancient oak tree. The night air was cool against my skin, the rustle of leaves a soothing melody to my ears. I gazed up at the full moon, its ethereal glow casting a soft luminescence upon the world below, and made a wish upon the first star I saw.

A sense of peace settled over me as I leaned into the gentle breeze, my eyes closing as I imagined myself weightless, carried away on the wind. Mist rose from the surface of the lake, lending an eerie beauty to the scene that only served to comfort me further. This place, with its ethereal beauty, had always been my sanctuary—a place where I could escape the chaos of the world and lose myself in the serenity of the night.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching hoofbeats shattered the tranquility, and I turned to see a figure riding towards me on a magnificent white horse, the royal insignia emblazoned upon its caparison. Tristan.

Teagan's words echoed in my mind—tales of a marriage arranged by the king, a meeting with Lady Bishop from Galway. Yet, as Tristan drew nearer, his smile infectious, I found myself captivated by the sight of him. The moonlight played upon his features, casting him in a radiant glow that seemed to set my heart ablaze.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" he remarked, his voice warm and inviting as he dismounted from his horse. I could only nod dumbly in response, my mind racing as I struggled to find the right words.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" I blurted out, surprising even myself with the invitation. Tristan's laughter filled the night air as he shed his clothing, the moonlight glinting off his skin as he plunged into the water with graceful ease.

I watched him, a mixture of awe and trepidation swirling within me, before finally mustering the courage to join him. As I slipped into the water, the cool embrace of the lake enveloping me, Tristan's gaze met mine, his eyes filled with a curious intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

"You're one of them, aren't you? The Nephilim?" he asked, his words sending a jolt of electricity coursing through me. I nodded, unable to tear my gaze away from his as we floated together in the tranquil waters.

As Tristan observed the deep shade of purple in my eyes, a look of curiosity crossed his face. "What does that mean?" he inquired; his voice laced with genuine interest. "It's an angel thing, isn't it?" he pressed, his gaze unwavering as he searched my eyes for answers. I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal, before finally conceding with a silent nod.

"It means that I am curious," I replied without hesitation, meeting his gaze with unwavering confidence. I braced myself for disbelief or skepticism, but to my surprise, Tristan simply smiled at me, his eyes reflecting a warmth that made my heart flutter.

"I thought you were meeting Lady Bishop tonight. You know, your engagement?" I blurted out, unable to contain my curiosity.

Tristan's grin widened at my question. "You've got to love village gossip," he replied, his tone light and amused. I stared at him intently, waiting for an answer.

His laughter was infectious, and I found myself joining in. As he swam around me, I couldn't help but admire the way he moved through the water with such ease.

"For once, they got it right," he chuckled. "You know, she brought four yappy dogs to the castle? One look at Lady Bishop and four yappy dogs, and I politely excused myself and ended up here."

"You are very interesting, Luighseach," he remarked, his words sending a surge of excitement coursing through me. With a playful grin, he began to swim back towards the shore, his movements fluid and graceful in the moonlit water.

Determined not to let him slip away so easily, I followed closely behind, matching his strokes with an effortless ease. As Tristan submerged beneath the surface, I swam after him, the cool water enveloping me in its embrace.

"Well, since you know so much about me, at least you can do is tell me your name," he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"My name is Luighseach," I replied, a hint of mischief in my voice as I pretended to curtsy in the water.

"Miss Luighseach," he said with a grin, "this is the strangest meeting I have ever encountered, but yet it feels unusually comfortable. The pleasure is all mine."

Tristan floated effortlessly; his gaze fixed on the starlit sky above. "I'm going to call you Lucky," he declared, his voice carrying across the water with a hint of a amusement.

The name hung in the air between us, filling me with a sense of exhilaration and anticipation. With Tristan by my side, I couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, my luck was about to change. "

I felt a warmth spread through me at his words, a sense of belonging that I had never known before. As we floated together in the moonlit waters, our laughter mingling with the night, I couldn't help but feel that perhaps, just perhaps, fate had brought us together for a reason.

"Why must you call me Lucky?" I asked in a soft whisper, feeling a rush of warmth flood my cheeks. I was certain my eyes were a deep shade of purple by this time.

Tristan swam closer to me, his movements graceful and deliberate. I could smell the subtle scent of his skin, and it filled my senses as I breathed him in deeply. Lost in the moment, I didn't realize that my eyes had closed until I opened them slowly, unsure of what to expect.

To my surprise, Tristan and I were face to face, his gaze intense and unwavering. His fingers brushed against my cheek as he gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I held my breath, captivated by the seriousness in his expression.

In a low whisper, he leaned in close and whispered into my ear, "Because from this day forward... I'm going to tell myself how lucky I am to have found you."

His words hung in the air, wrapping around me like a warm embrace. As Tristan began to walk out of the water and dress, I remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away from him.

"Will you come back tomorrow?" I called out as Tristan prepared to leave, a hopeful note in my voice.

"Miss Lucky, it will be my pleasure," he replied with a smile, before disappearing into the night.

As I watched him ride off into the darkness, a sense of excitement bubbled within me, the promise of tomorrow's meeting filling me with a newfound sense of hope. And as I waded back to shore, the cool night air caressing my skin, I couldn't help but feel that, for the first time in my life, I was exactly where I was meant to be.

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