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Very sorry for not updating the last few days! I had a packed schedule and didn't find the time. 

Here's a fun one!

First Person POV - Y/n

"What do you see, Ron?" I asked. 

"I'm the Quidditch Captain and Head Boy," answered Ron, "I'm holding the Quidditch Cup in my hands and my family is all cheering and celebrating me...It's something that I've always wanted."

"Cool," I said while observing the mirror closer. 

It had words engraved on the top of the mirror and I cleared the dust away with my hand to make them out. 

The Mirror of Erised.

"Erised," I repeated, "Ron, would you say that what you see in the mirror is your greatest desire?"

"Definitely," repeated Ron. 

"Harry and I want to meet our parents and you want to be the sort of Gryffindor King," I reasoned and both of the boys turned towards me confused, "It shows us our greatest desires. Erised is the word desire backward."

"How did you figure that out?"

"Well-I mean-detective skills I guess. I like Sherlock Holmes."


"He's a detective. Very famous for solving all kinds of mysteries...but enough of that. We should head back," I said glancing at the door, "The psychopathic monstrosity and the cat are probably looking for us."

"Filch is a monstrosity," mumbled Ron as he walked towards the door and opened it slightly, "No one there. Come on."

We ran towards our dorm room and managed to get there without getting caught by any professors or Filch. Once we arrived, Ron went upstairs and I was about to as well when Harry grabbed my hand. 

"Can we go back tomorrow?" asked Harry, "I want to see my parents again."

"I was planning on returning as well," I replied, "but at least with you, we can use your invisibility cloak."

"Back again, Harry and Y/n?"

"Shit," I mumbled before raising the sword. 

I always brought it when we were out in the castle at night. I had no idea whether another troll or three-headed dog would show up and I wanted to be prepared. 

"Professor Dumbledore," I said, moving the sword behind myself. 

"Ms. Emrys. Mr. Pottter. I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does."

"The deepest desires of your heart?"

"Quite right you are Ms. Emrys," said Professor Dumbledore. "It is said that the happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is."

"I guess you see things like this normally in a magical world," I mumbled to myself as I glanced back at the mirror. "They were young."

"They were," said Dumbledore, "They were spectacular people taken from this world much too soon."

"All because someone wanted power."

"People go mad for many reasons. This mirror is one of them. Men have wasted away in front of it and gone mad," explained Professor Dumbledore, "That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Y/n and Harry, and forget to live."

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