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Lord Andrew Charles Howard, the former Duke of Norfolk Territory, and Duke of Westminster Territory sits in his living room at Norfolk Estate.

He is now 55 years old and three of his children are grown, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane is 25 years old, Lady Samhain is 24 years old, and Lord Anthony Christopher is 21 years old.

Lady Elizabeth is Duchess of Norfolk Territory and she decides to ride out to Norfolk Estate with her two children, Lady Karissa Ann, her successor to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory who is nearly six years old and Lord Richard Edward Howard IV who is just three months and she asks Lady Samhain to go with her and take Lady Patricia Eugenie who resembles their paternal grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

Lady Samhain looks at her sister and she is holding her five month old daughter, Lady Patricia Eugenie in her arms and she tells her sister, "Lady Bess. Why should I travel out to Norfolk Estate and let our father see his granddaughter."

"Lady Sam, when dad sees Lady Patricia. He will start to think about the woman who gave birth to him." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

"Our dad came to see his grandson, but not my daughter." Lady Samhain states, "but for the sake of peace I will go."

Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain with their children travel to Norfolk Estate to visit their father and when they arrive at Norfolk Estate.

Lord Andrew Charles is sitting in his chair in the living room at Norfolk Estate and Lady Elizabeth walks into the living room and Lord Andrew Charles just looks up and he asks " What brings you out to Norfolk Estate?"

"Dad. I am Duchess of this territory. " Lady Elizabeth tells him, " I have brought your grandchildren out to see you and I have brought Lady Samhain with me and she has Lady Patricia with her and wait until you see her."

Lady Samhain walks into the living room with Lady Patricia in her arms and Lord Andrew Charles looks up as Lady Samhain holds Lady Patricia in her arms.

"Since you wouldn't come to Clarence and see your granddaughter. I decided to bring your granddaughter to Norfolk Estate to see you." Lady Samhain tells her father.

Lady Samhain walks over to her father " This is Lady Patricia Eugenie. I named her after your mother and my grandmother. Why do you shame her like this father?" Lady Samhain asks, "She gave birth to you without complaint like our mother did to us."

"Your grandmother and grandfather had an amicable divorce whereas your mother and I didn't."Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Samhain.

"Mom hasn't stopped loving you dad. She will always love you, but she deserves to be happy." Lady Samhain states.

"You used her and Lady Elizabeth's birth to climb to the Dukedom of Norfolk Territory." Lady Samhain states, " Do you think that was right."

"What would our great-great-great-grandfather think about it?" Lady Samhain asks.

"Grandfather was afraid you would turn out like our great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

"You have put our great-great-great-grandfather's name to shame." Lady Elizabeth states, " You are doing exactly what your grandfather and great-grandfather did to our family after Lord Richard Edward III and I have brought it back together along with Lady Samhain and Lord David William Beck II." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"Lord Anthony is about to write you out of his life and when he has children he won't let you see his children and neither will Lord Albert Edward, Lady Anastasia Christina, or Lady Sophia Dorothea." Lady Elizabeth explains.

The Duchess of Clarence TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now