"A Debutante"

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The Next Day

"Hi. Last night was amazing." Belly said

"A shit show," Conrad said the same time as Belly said toast night was amazing.

"You know you're gonna have a black eye tomorrow, right?" Conrad asked

"It's already tomorrow. Hey, do you...? Do you remember anything that happened last night? I mean, you were pretty wasted." Belly said

"I always remember everything when I drink," Conrad said as he took a joint from his ear and started to light it up when finally Belly said something.

"Let me have a puff," Belly said

"No," Conrad said

"Mm-hmm," Belly said

"No," Conrad said

"Yeah," Belly said

"No," Conrad said still trying to light his joint.

"Yes," Belly said

"No. Laurel would actually kill me." Conrad said

"Okay, fine. Then if I can't smoke, then you can't smoke." Belly said making Conrad smile.

"Same old Belly. Hey, let's go pick up some of the good muffins before everybody else gets up." Conrad said as he put his joint back on top of his ear.

"Um, I actually have somewhere that I need to be," Belly said getting up off the sand and running off the beach.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Conrad asked

"To see about a whale," Belly said still running but looking back at Conrad.

"What does that mean?" Conrad asked as Belly kept running leaving him there in the sand.

Later In The Kitchen At The Beach House

"Can't she just, like, look at a picture on her phone or something?" Jeremiah asked Laurel as Steven kept looking over his shoulder watching him make eggs.

"Okay, get out," Jeremiah told Steven making Steven laugh.

"What? Why?" Steven said walking away from him.

"She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence. While you're still young and full of hope." Laurel said making both boys laugh.

"Her words," Laurel said

"Well, Conrad does not have hope, actually. He's hopeless, but my hangover smoothie... it cures all." Jeremiah said

"Can you please just hurry up?" Conrad asked holding his head.

"Just go back to bed, all right?" Jeremiah said as Steven walked back to where he was before.

"All right, seriously, Steven, get out. Oh, come on. This is a delicate science, and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yolk." Jeremiah said

"Okay. Okay, okay." Laurel said

"She hasn't painted you since you were little. I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." Laurel said

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