"I missed you."

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"Go put on your shoes," Dylan told her little brother Noah as she finished packing his suitcase.

"Do I have to?" Grayson asked

"Come on don't you want to go to Cousin's," Dylan said

"We're going to cousins?" Grayson asked

"Yeah now go put on your shoes," Dylan said

"Okay," Grayson said while running to put on his shoes as Dylan's phone started ringing.

"Hello," Dylan said

"Hey, honey you guys almost ready?" Violet Dylan's mom asked

"Yeah, I am helping Grey pack his suitcase now," Dylan said

"Why isn't your dad doing that?" Violet asked

"He's at work still I told him I'd do it," Dylan said

"Well I'll have to call him about that," Violet said

"Please don't you outside yet?" Dylan asked her mom

"I am about ten minutes away," Violet said

"Alright, we will be ready by the time you get here," Dylan said

"Okay," Violet said and hung up the phone on her daughter.

"Hey, Grey you ready to go?" Dylan asked

"Yeah," Grayson said

"Okay go get Blue and meet me by the front door," Dylan said telling Grayson to get his rabbit.

"K," Grayson said and did what he was told.

Ten Minutes Later

"Mom!!" Grayson said running up toward his mom and hugging her.

"Hey baby, Hey Dylan," Violet said hugging her son.

"Good to see you, mom," Dylan said walking toward the car with her and her brother's suitcases in her hand.

"You need some help?" Violet asked

"I am alright," Dylan said as she put the suitcases in the car and then locked the house door.

"I missed you kids so much," Violet told her kids as Dylan got into the car.

"Mom we missed you too," Dylan said giving her mom a hug

3 Hours Later

"Where are you guys?" Jeremiah asked

"On our way, Grey had to use the bathroom so we stopped," Dylan said

"I missed that kid," Jeremiah said

"Yeah, he misses you too," Dylan said

"And I miss you," Jeremiah said making Dylan blush and move her face out of the camera.

"Yeah what's not to miss," Dylan said sarcastically making them both laugh.

"No but seriously I miss you too Jere," Dylan said

"Good thing we're about to see each other right," Jeremiah said

"Right Steven and Belly already there?" Dylan asked

"Yeah, they just got here," Jeremiah said

"Okay see you in an hour then," Dylan said

"See you in an hour," Jeremiah said and Dylan hung up the phone.

One Hour Later

"Anybody here," Dylan said walking into the beach house.

"Dylan." Belly said running in from the kitchen to hug her.

Our Stars - Jeremiah FisherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora