The Promised Dinner

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"Sam, I...well..." She was stuttering again. Sam probably knew what she was gonna say before she even said it. "I know it's E.B.'s special day, but I was thinking about the whole 'we're still working on that' thing you told Looka at the airport and..." She paused again. "...well..."

Before she could say another word, Sam leaned forward and kissed her. Thankfully, the curtains were drawn. "It's okay, Gluntz. What do you think about dinner with me this weekend?"

Gluntz felt her cheeks warming up, yet she was trembling like she was in the snow. A smile crossed her face and she nodded. "Yes, I'd love that." They then join the others in the kitchen waiting for E.B. to come downstairs to see everyone and the huge breakfast laid out for her. Standing at opposite sides of the table, Sam and Gluntz look at each other and smile.
That weekend came faster than Sam expected.

He had pulled up outside of Gluntz's house, walked up to her door and knocked.

Gluntz opened it, but when Sam saw her, she looked like she just got through a crying session. That was so unlike her. Worry surged through Sam like an electric shock.

"Oh, my... Gluntz, what's wrong?", he asked.

"Umm..." Her voice sounded broken. "It's stupid."

"Come on. Just tell me. I'm sure I can help you."

Gluntz sniffled as she took a deep breath then exhaled. "All right, but promise me you won't laugh, please?", she asked.

Sam offered her a warm smile. "I promise."

"Okay. Here goes. I've been trying to make myself up for tonight but I just..." She sounded like she wanted to cry some more. "...can't shake the feeling that people will laugh at me. I'm not beautiful."

Sam had a look of sympathy on his face. He put his hand on Gluntz's shoulder. "That's not true. You can't be one hundred percent sure if you'll be laughed at."

"How can you possibly know that? This isn't your first date."

Sam smiled nervously. "Actually, it is."

Gluntz was taken aback. "Really?"

"Mm-hm. I've never stuck around long enough with a single person to work up the courage to ask. Believe me, I'm just as nervous as you are."

"You sure do a good job of hiding it."

"Oh, I'm good at hiding a lot of things inside."

"But, look at this: you got here all prepared for dinner and I haven't done a thing to get ready."

"It's okay. I understand. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yes I did. I've ruined our evening."

"No you haven't. It hasn't even started yet." After thinking for a second, Sam said, "Look, why don't I just call my mother? I think she can help you if you need anything."

The two of them sat waiting on the couch. Gluntz was leaning her head on Sam's shoulder while he softly touched her hand.

"I do need to ask something", Sam said.

"What's that?"

"It's just that..." He paused. " never really struck me as someone who has confidence issues. You're pretty excitable while on the job, how come you're not here?"

"That's because I spent a whole year training at the academy, you know? Trust me, I was nervous when I first started there too. But dating is a whole new world to me." Then she asked him, "How come you're not nervous?"

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