Ch. 14-Yule and the Philosopher's Stone

Start from the beginning

   Content with the knowledge that Dumbles can do little to stop the students from celebrating their own traditions over break, Harry heads down to the Great Hall on the first day of New Year's break (from Britain's point of view) intent to celebrate his own and get the other students staying to challenge Dumbledore's thinking as well. As it turns out, only a few children have decided to stay over break. Starting from right to left, Harry scans the house tables. The Hufflepuff table only has two students; Aaliyah and Neville. One is reading a book on Potions, the other Herboldgy. A true test to their Hufflepuff spirt, Neville had asked their grandmother if they could stay at Hogwarts with their friends over break. Through Aaliyah jokes, Neville didn't want to miss any action. At the Gryffindor table, 4 out of the seven Weasley siblings sit. Due to Ron's bragging, the Slytherin is well aware that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley decided to spend this Yule with their second eldest child Charlie in Romania. Disapprovingly, he notes that Percy is far away from his three brothers sitting at the other end of the table. Ravenclaw is next. Besides Helena who scribbles in a notebook, only a 3rd year Ravenclaw Terry Boot is there as well, Hermione having left earlier today. Finally, Slytherin where Harry admits to getting the biggest shock of his life.

   At the Slytherin table, ACTUALLY acting civil and friendly, Aurelia sits in deep conversation with DRACO MALFOY! Yes, you read that right. Not only is Draco not acting disgusted towards a supposed "Muggleborn," he actually seems to be enjoyed the conversation with Harry's aunt. And did Draco just laugh at a joke Audrey sprouted?! Shaking his head, convinced that this is a nightmare and he will wake up soon, Harry slowly walks over to the Slytherin Table aware at Dumbledore's stare burning his back.

   "Hanging out with Muggleborns now, are we Malfoy?" Harry asks the first thing that comes to his mind.

   His dislike for Harry comes through clear as Draco sneers, "None of your business Potter."

  Aurelia, glancing between Draco and Harry smiles in amusement much to their confusion. "Oh, that's right. You don't know," she remarks interrupting their glaring contest. Audrey's voice holds glee and joy as if about to tell the boys a secret that will end with her laughing. And that's exactly what happens. "Draco, Harry stop," she tells them, her voice taking on a rather serious approach with authority present in her tone. "We are all allies here."

   "Why would we be allies with The-Boy-Who-Lived?" Draco spats full of hatred and disbelief.

  So, the rumors are true, Harry muses coming to a conclusion.

   Audrey ventures, "Why don't we continue this conversation away from prying ears in private?" She isn't sure how long her privacy and anti-ease-dropping wards will hold, and she knows for sure it will not be long before people realize they cannot hear the normal insults from the Malfoy and Potter heirs.

   Harry sends a confused look towards Aurelia, so she subtly points her head towards the teacher's table. Realization dawns on his face. Draco, meanwhile is conflicted. The less he interacts with Potter the better, but Malfoy also shudders to think of what would happen if he disobeys an obvious command from his father's lord's daughter. And so, though it pains himself to do so, Draco nods his head in respect towards Audrey.

  "We'll leave at different times, but we'll meet in the Artefact Room. No one but Hagrid goes in there anymore," she tells the boys before gesturing for Draco to leave first. Once he leaves, Harry can feel a starch decrease of magic near their table. Audrey must have taken down her privacy and anti-ease-dropping wards.

     5 minutes later Aurelia leaves and Harry joins her. They separate once outside the Great Hall to avoid suspicion, but both make their way towards the Artefact Room. They slip inside to see the Malfoy heir pacing, his normally gelled back platinum hair sticking up in all directions, a sure sign that he's been tousling his hair in nervousness.

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