Ch. 11-Samhain 1991

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Samhain, or Halloween as Dumbledore insists we call it for the muggle-borns' benefit, comes much faster than Harry had hoped. Despite his parents still being alive, Samhain marks the day Harry was torn away from his parents and sent to live with the Dursleys. The day that resigned Harry to having to grow up with those blasted muggles. The 31st of October is always greeted by Harry rather un cheerfully. It doesn't help that things always go wrong for Harry on that day, and this year started no differently.

To begin, Harry wakes up on that dreadful morning of 1991 almost twenty minutes late. So much for Nott, Malfoy, and Zambini waking him up though Harry didn't expect them too. Ever since he started associating with other houses and discarding the unspoken rule of blood purity, the other Slytherin seem to view Harry as a piece of dung they couldn't get away with. His roommates must have thought being late to class a deserving punishment. As it just so happens, Harry completely misses breakfast, and is late to Potions by 5 minutes receiving a detention from Professor Snape. Sitting down at his cauldron not missing the giggles circulating throughout the classroom, he resigns himself to having a terrible day before beginning to take notes on the wiggenweld potion.

Charms though earns the title for starting the worst part of the day, and it doesn't even happen to him. For whatever reason Ronald Weasley, the prejudiced fame digger decides to sit next to Hermione in the front row on a day where all houses are present because Flitwick has an engagement later. All seems to go well until the practical part of class where after failing to complete the levitating charm on the first try, Ron ever impatient, begins hitting his wand all over the place.

Hermione quickly puts a stop to this by grabbing Ron's wand arm and says, "Stop! Stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. Relax, no one else has completed the charm yet. Besides, your saying it wrong. It's LeviOsa not LeviosAr."

Ron slowly turning as red as his hair despite no one paying attention to the pair and at having a muggle-born correct him shouts back, "Well you do it if your so clever! Go on!"

Hermione turns back to her feather and speaks in a clear voice doing the swish and flick motion, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Concentration present on her face, the feather levitates in the air following Hermione's wand movement. Ron mumbles in his seat something unkind about know-it-all Ravenclaws.

Professor Flitwick noticing Hermione's feather cries out, "Oh, well done! Look everyone! Miss Granger has done it! Splendid!"

Seamus who is sitting next to The-Boy-Who-Lived fueled by Hermione's show attempts the spell. The feather blows up right in his face and some land on Harry's robe and hair! Great! Didn't he tell you that Samhain always ends up as a bad day?


Shortly after Charms, while walking across the courtyard, Aaliyah, Neville, Harry and Hermione are in midst of conversation. Ron, Seamus, and Dean walk a little farther ahead.

Ronald speaks loudly knowing Hermione is walking behind him because he glances back before speaking. "It's 'LeviOsa', not 'LeviosA'. No wonder the mud blood has no friends."

Before anyone can stop her, Hermione runs away clutching her books to her chests, tears streaming down her face.

"Hermione!" Neville calls running after her glaring at Weasel on his way.

Aaliyah though has a different plan. She marches right up to the Gryffindor, stands over him, and everyone expects her next words to be "What did you just call her?" Instead Aaliyah winds her hand back and punches Weasel right in the nose sending him flying to the ground! The boy cries out in pain as he holds his broken nose and curls up into a ball. Aaliyah stands over her victim a cruel grin upon her face. Not so brave now, huh the face obviously says.

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