Ch. 9-Truths and Action

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*Author's Note*

I'm sorry for this taking almost a month to write. The last month of school is always extra stressful and then I wasn't sure how good this was. Anyway I'm going to try to be more consistent in my updates. This was one of the more fun chapters to write. I finally get to show off the personality I have had in mind for Aaliyah since the beginning. I hope you like the funny parts and the rest of the chapter.

With dinner well under way, the Hogwarts library is mostly deserted except for one table in the far back corner hidden by a large bookcase. Harry strides inside and takes a seat next to Neville and across from Hermione. The only girl present carries an obviously ancient book with the pages tearing away, the ink so faded that it's is almost impossible to read, and a cover that looks about to disintegrate should anyone touch it. Setting the book down on the table gently, it still gives off a shocking BANG! as the young Ravenclaw takes her seat at the table.
"What's going on?" Harry asks.
Hermione smiles taking on a familiar tone that group has grown to call her Know-it-all voice. "Well, remember that strange unfamiliar language Helena was speaking this morning before Quidditch tryouts? By the way, congratulations on making seeker Harry even if what you did was completely dangerous and immature."
"Thanks," Harry responds not sure how to take the sentiment. "How do you know about that?"
"The whole school knows by now Harry," Neville speaks up his voice dry as if his answer is the most obvious one in the world. Though this is Hogwarts, gossip and rumors fly around faster than magic itself.
"Anyway," Heroine goes on. "I was curious. I asked Helena what language she was speaking in before Aaliyah and you left for the Headmaster's office."
"What she say?"
"Helena looked at me like she had no idea what I was talking about. Apparently, Helena didn't even realize that she switched from speaking English. When I asked her again about what language it was, Helena flat out told me to mind my own business."
"Why?" Harry asks naturally becoming more curious. His list of things he finds unnatural about the two cousins just added a new line.
"Please tell me you didn't research the language?" Neville asks hopefully his hands folded as if saying a prayer.
"I admit it was wrong, but I was curious and-"
Neville groans. "Hermione," he speaks exasperated. "That's an invasion of privacy. If Helena doesn't want to tell us, we should respect her choice."
"Would now be a good time to tell you that I also looked at Aaliyah's diary? She left it with me when the two of you went to Dumbledore's office," sheepishly the young girl admits.
Neville gives Hermione his best disapproving look narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms. Harry just laughs.
"Hey, that's the reason why your a Hufflepuff Neville and I'm a Ravenclaw," responds Hermione with a shrug. "And by the way Aaliyah's diary is written in Parsoltounge!"
"What?!!" Harry shouts jumping out of his chair. "Only Salazar Slytherin's descendants can speak parsoltounge, and his line is dead!" Well, expect for me and my family. But they don't need to know that.
"That's not all," Hermione continues sounding way too excited for the current situation.
"It took me almost an hour, but I found the language Helena was speaking in. If I'm right, it's Druid!"
"Druid?" Harry asks.
"What's that?" This time it's Neville.
Flipping open the book to a memorized page delicately, Hermione places her finger at the top of the page and begins to read aloud her voice growing higher in excitement as she reads the last few lines.

"Druid, for lack of better name, is the origin language spoken by the Druid people, a memorable culture of witchcraft and wizardly. While most unlike sorcerer's, Druids need no wand or speak spells known by the rest of mankind, but spells of their own kind written and created in their own language. While holding high positions in other Celtic cultures such as priests or political advisors for their renowned knowledge, Druids were hunted in Camelot. Druids mostly lived in woods having a highly magical connection with animals. Some say they could speak with birds or calm a wild wolf. The Druids believed in the coming of their king and savior who would be more powerful than anyone before or after them. Historians believe this savior to be Merlin. Both the language and culture died out around the fall of Camelot in the 5th century AD. The Druids left behind no written accounts of their own and their language is all but dead."

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