Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jason's POV

Many hugs and kisses later, it was almost time for the meet and greet to draw to a close. I had been watching Angelina from up on the stage, and every time I would look down at her, she would avert eye contact and look away from me. I knew something was wrong, but I obviously couldn't just hop off of stage and run to her like I want to.

As I was staring at my girlfriend, someone blocked my way, and I looked up to come face to face with three girls. I remembered them all. Nadia, Darlene, and Tamera. They are three of the most popular fans of ours.

"Jason! It's amazing to finally meet my inspiration." Nadia smiled, and then came around the table that acted as a blockade, and hugged me tight. I hugged her back, and watched as her friends smiled and recorded us.

"Nice to meet you too. I've seen you on twitter quite a few times." I smiled, holding her hand in front of me. I know I seem a bit too friendly, but this is how Layla told us to be with them.

"Yeah I am quite a handful." She blushed, looking down.

"No, I think it is sweet." I kissed her hand, and hugged her one more time before the guards made them get off the stage.

A few hours later...

"You seemed just a little too friendly with that girl at the end of the meet and greet." Mikey said, raising his eyebrows at me, and eating another chip from the bag.

"Layla told us to be friendly to them. I didn't do anything wrong." I defended, stuffing my hand into the bag as well.

"Tell that to Angelina." Madison rolled his eyes at me, and then got up, leaving the room.

"What in the hell is his problem?" I asked, laughing.

"You didn't see Angelina that entire time?" I shook my head. "Well once she saw you all lovey like that with her, she got up and left. She won't answer her texts. Has she answered you?" I sunk down in the couch, looking away.

"You didn't even try to talk to her!" He stood up, and yelled more so then a question.

"No. She was being weird earlier on. So I just thought it was best to let her have her space."

"You are so stupid Jason. And you are supposedly the smart one." Mikey grabbed his coat off the table and put it on. "Psh, whatever. I'm going home. See you later." He walked out, not looking back at me.

What just happened...?

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