College, year 1 (2007)

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The second they got on campus, Sebastian pulled Trent in for a deep, passionate kiss. Trent kissed him back eagerly, pressing flush against him and tangling his fingers in Sebastian's thick, curly blond hair.

"Let's go out on Friday," Sebastian said breathlessly when the kiss broke.

Trent nodded. "Okay."

"Actually, let me be clearer." Sebastian looked into Trent's deep green eyes. "Trent, will you go on a date with me Friday night?"

Trent beamed at him. "Of course I will, silly! Now let's go find our dorm."


They were delighted to find that they were rooming together. Sebastian immediately kissed Trent again, unbuckling Trent's belt and sliding his hands up Trent's shirt. Trent's body responded to Sebastian's attentions and soon they were grinding hard against each other on the bed while making out.

"I want to taste you so badly," Sebastian whispered, sliding down to his knees. Trent closed his eyes in blissful anticipation. Sebastian gave a soft chuckle and rested his head against Trent's thigh. "But," he continued, "I'm going to wait. I want to see how our first date goes before we decide we're official."

Trent opened his eyes, sat up, and gently stroked Sebastian's hair. "That's fair," he agreed.


The first week passed in a whirlwind. Trent decided to major in computer science with a minor in culinary science; Sebastian went with political science, as he planned to go into law. This amused Trent.

"You should specialize in defense," he said. "Sebastian Freedman, defense attorney."

Sebastian laughed. "That's pretty low-hanging fruit, as far as jokes go," he said affectionately. "What about you, Mad Tech Nerd?"

Trent blinked. "That ...makes no sense," he practically giggled. "It's so random!"

"That's why it's funny!"

Some of the more buttoned-up students looked askance at the two boys cracking up over nothing in the hallway. They paid no mind as they went arm-in-arm to speak with a counselor.


"You'll have to work very hard to succeed in law," the counselor told Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded. "I'm used to working hard. Eleven years ago, I was considered mentally challenged. This year, I graduated in the top three of my class. That's with cheerleading and student council duties. The only reason I wasn't valedictorian was because I got a poor grade in science due to religious conflicts."

The counselor peered at him. "Every student who steps through these doors has excellent transcripts. That doesn't guarantee their success in their chosen field, particularly a field as saturated as law."

"I'll pass that LSAT with flying colors," Sebastian insisted. "And if being a lawyer isn't for me, I'll become a politician."

Trent's counselor was more optimistic.

"The tech field is booming," she enthused. "You can get your degree, move to California, and start your own firm!"

Trent grinned at her. "Great!"


By the time Friday rolled around, both boys were exhausted. They'd pored over their syllabuses, bought their textbooks, and met their professors. They made sure to sign up for the same English and Math classes so they'd at least have two classes together and they could get the obvious prerequisites out of the way. Still, despite his exhaustion, Sebastian was thrilled that their date was happening tonight! He had something amazing planned, which he had somehow managed to conceal by being as vague as possible.

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