Chapter 7

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"Ehh so Izumi is out sick today." I said looking at the both of them. "I mean Izumi texted me this morning he asked me to take notes for him." Inuzuka said showing his phone. "Oh...notes huh? He didn't say anything to me." Shikimori said with a pouty face. I sometimes ask my self does Shikimori see Inuzuka as a love rival? Even when it was break I was sitting with Shikimori, Nekozaki, and Hachimitsu with Shikimori talking about Inuzuka on how he's a nice guy helping Izumi which then slowly turned into a competition. Even with all this conversation I guess it's not all that bad. "Also (y/n) we have practice after school." Nekozaki said. "Hai." I said as I kept listening to my music.

-short Timeskip-

"Our club has the day off today." Nekozaki said as her, me and Shikimori were walking through the mall today. "It's just you, me and (y/n), micchon." Nekozaki said. "This usually doesn't happen often huh." Shikimori said. "Izumi and Hachimitsu are both sick, and I guess inu's at work." Nekozaki said. We kept walking through the mall seeing a text from Izumi. "It looks like Izumi-San will be back at school next week." Shikimori said. We kept walking through the mall as Nekozaki and Shikimori turned there heads to the book store. "Hey isn't that kamiya." Nekozaki said and she was right seeing kamiya at a bookstore. "(Y/n)'s bae." Nekozaki said smirking. "Kamiya-san." Shikimori said looking kamiya describing her appearance. Seeing that Nekozaki and I already went to kamiya. "Kamiya all by your lonesome." Neko said. "You never hold back at all, do you, Nekozaki." Kamiya said. "(Y/n)." Kamiya said looking at me with a smile. "H-hi." I said a little nervous as Shikimori came to us. "Oh you remember her right? From the couple number game." Nekozaki said. "Yes Shikimori-san right?" Kamiya said. "It's good to see you again kamiya-san." Shikimori said. "We were also the ones who gave (y/n) that little confidence boost." Nekozaki said. "Nekozaki!!!" I said embarrassed. "So that's what Shikimori meant. (Y/n)'s feelings for me." Kamiya said with a soft smile. "Hey wanna hang out with us? Just kidding." Nekozaki said. "Hmm sure." Kamiya said. "Yeah, I didn't figure you'd you will." Nekozaki said. "For a change and (y/n)'s here too." She said which made me blush more. After that we went on a walk around the mall seeing some places that interest us. "Kamiya, (y/n) is there anywhere you wanna hit?" Nekozaki said as me and kamiya were looking as kamiya saw and picked up a stuffed cat with a funny looking face with Nekozaki looking at it weirdly and Shikimori laughing. "Yeah I don't know how that sets her off." I said as me Shikimori, kamiya, and myself were looking at puppies I also kinda glanced at the cats which kinda reminded me of the cat at home. "They just keep playing with those puppies and (y/n)." Nekozaki said as I put my hand against the glass seeing the cat put its paw against it. "Ahh calliope-san." Shikimori said which startled me a little. "That's cute." Kamiya said. "Well I do own a cat at home with my sister." I said looking at the cat. After the pet shop we went to a photo booth to take sticker photos as we all stood together and took a picture. "Let's see how they came out." Nekozaki said as we all looked at the picture. "What is this a CD jacket." Nekozaki said as I giggled. "Kinda looks like we can be an idol group." I said. "I gotta go to the bathroom you three have fun." Nekozaki said running to the restroom. "Where do you two want to go." I said looking at them. "Shikimori, (y/n) mind if I try that." Kamiya said pointing to a machine. "You never did this before." Shikimori said. "No." Kamiya said. Then Shikimori went into an explanation about the game. Kamiya had a few tries and missed. "I missed. This is too hard." Kamiya said. "(Y/n) want to try it." Shikimori said as I knew she was helping me to look good in front of kamiya. "Sure I'll try it." I said as I inserted money into the machine waiting for it seeing that I was shoulder to shoulder with kamiya. 'I must stay focused.' I said to myself as I timed both hits perfectly seeing the snacks fall out which made kamiya surprised. I picked up the snacks putting them into a bag. "Here." I said handing her the bag. "Are you sure you won those." Kamiya looking at me. "We can share the snacks." I said feeling hand hold mine as I pass the snacks to her. "Now I'll win something you want (y/n)." She said. "I mean you don't have too." I said blushing. "It's fine I don't like just having things done for me all the time." Kamiya said with a smirk on her face seeing her cool side coming out. "T-then." I said going to one of the machine.

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