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Maeve Harrington had lived in the shadow of her twin brother Steve all her life which she was completely and utterly okay with. Maeve didn't like being the center of attention, so when her classmate, Cecil Hayes asked her on a date in the middle of the hall she was shocked. 

Maeve didn't have a clue was to do to avoid further embarrassment so she went with whatever came to her mind.


After that, they had been side by side as the newest power couple in the school. Well, all for a total of five minutes until her brother Steve walked right through the front doors of the school hand-in-hand with Nancy Wheeler.

Maeve wasn't upset at all because the attention wasn't on her, but Cecil was. Ever since then Maeve noticed the little remarks the two made towards each other to show that they disliked each other.

Steve didn't like Cecil because he was with Maeve. Cecil didn't like Steve because he was the king of the school. But none the less they were civil with each other for Maeve.

But Maeve wasn't ready for when she was thrown into a class with the girl of her dreams, Robin Buckley. At first, Maeve just thought she was a normal girl but while being lab partners with the girl, she slowly realized that she didn't like robin as a friend but as something more.

Despite her feelings, she stated with Cecil because that was the right thing to do, right?

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