Chapter One

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"Hello?" A small voice called out into the dark, it was midnight and there were still no signs of life anywhere nearby. "H-hello? Is anyone there?" The voice called out again, still no one responded to the small child's cries. 

Again, and again the child cried out for anyone to hear it. Anyone to respond, anyone to help. "P-please help me! A-anyone?" The boy's name was Tubbo, an unusual name for a child, but a name none the less. He has been in the forest for two days now with no food or water, he was getting scared that no one would hear his calls.

"Hello? Who's there?" a new voice appeared in the night giving the young child hope. 

"H-hey! Over here! Please help me, I'm stuck!" 

"Keep calling out! It's too dark to see" the voice was getting closer to the boy, closer and closer. 

"Please help me, my leg! It's stuck under a big branch!" Tubbo heard footsteps now and was getting anxious. A winged man found Tubbo and saw that it was but a small child calling for his help. 

He rushed to the boy and lifted the branch off his leg. "Are you ok? How long have you been out here?" The man questioned the frightened boy, worried that he may have been out in the forest for too long.

The boy just shrugged, glancing at his foot before looking up at the man who saved him. "I don't know, a few days at least. Can you help me?"

The boy was scared, but also relieved that the man had found him. He had been out for far too long for a child and couldn't wait to be inside again. "Hey kid, where are your parents? You shouldn't have been by yourself."

"My papa left us and then after that my mommy went to sleep and didn't wake up..." Tubbo looked up at the man and said something that he was shocked to hear. "M-mister, will you be my new papa?" The man widened his eyes but then they softened, he nodded and took the boy's hand. 

"My name's Philza, but you can call me Papa." 

"I-I'm Tubbo. Do you live alone?" Tubbo stared up at his new father, admiring his obsidian coloured wings. 

Philza shook his head and replied "No, I do not live alone. I have three other sons that will be your new brothers."

"Brothers? Like Drista and Dream? What're their names?" The child had many questions, but the man stared at the child. "Drista? Dream? You have a sister and a brother? Where are they?"

Tubbo looked down, still walking side by side with Phil. "Papa took them when he left. They're a little older than me. I think Drista was four when Papa took her, and Dream was five. They both look like Mama more than Papa. I'm the only one who looks like Papa. What are my new brothers' names?" He was very excited to meet his new siblings and they headed to a large cottage just outside of town.

"Well Tommy is my youngest and he's five. Next is Wilbur who is ten, and finally my oldest is Techno who is eleven. How old are you Tubbo?" Philza smiled down at Tubbo, his kind eyes welcoming Tubbo into the family despite just meeting him. 

"Well Papa took Drista and Dream two years ago, so I'm this many years old" Tubbo held up five fingers this time signaling him being five. 

Phil smiled a bit and ruffled Tubbo's hair. "So, you'll be ok with Tommy, be warned he is very loud and outgoing." Philza laughed, he was right though. 

Tommy was a very... loud child to put it nicely. "Oh look, we're here. Are you ready to go inside and meet your new family?"

Tubbo grew very nervous once they reached the door and stopped walking. He tugged on Philza's hand and looked up at him. "U-uhm what if they don't like me, Papa? What if they think I'm weird?"

 "Tubbo they won't think you're weird, ok? Let's go inside kiddo." Phil took Tubbo's hand and opened the door. "BOYS I'M HOME! COME DOWN PLEASE!" 

First a small blonde child came bolting down the stairs and hugged Philza. "DAD YOU'RE BACK!" Then he noticed Tubbo hiding behind his father's leg. "Hey who's that?" The child stared at Tubbo and stuck his tongue out. "This is my dad so back off!"

"Tommy shut it, we don't know who that is yet. What if Dad brought him here for a reason?" A new voice appeared in the living room. It was a deep monotone voice sounding like it came from an older man although it was an eleven-year-old boy who spoke. 

"Sorry Technooo." Tommy whined and went to his pink haired brother. An odd choice for hair colour though, Tubbo cocked his head to the side when he saw that the pinkette had piglin ears. He had never seen a piglin before.

"You're right, boys this is Tubbo. He is your new brother now so treat him nicely."

"Don't tell me you found him in a box like you did Tommy." Another tall male walked into the room. His name was Wilbur, and it seemed like he was used to his father bringing home random children. 

Tommy scoffed and ran over to his brother, smacking him in the legs repeatedly. "Hey! Dad did NOT find me in a box! That's bull crap Will!" 

Philza turned to a cowering but also curious Tubbo. "No need to be scared Tubbo, I told you Tommy was very... outgoing to say the least. Why don't you come out from behind me and meet your brothers, ok?"

"Okay..." Tubbo peeked out from Phil's leg to see Techno staring at him with almost a curious look on his face. Tommy was still hitting Wilbur and was only making Wilbur more annoyed. Tubbo laughed, amused with the situation he found himself in. 

Phil smiled at the boy's laugh; Techno even cracked a small grin. Tommy just stared at the boy in amusement. "You're funny looking, you know that?" Tommy chirped before Techno glared at him, silencing him instantly. 

Wilbur then looked at the new boy and cocked his head to the side, studying Tubbo. "Are you a goat? You have a tail, goat ears, and horns so I'd assume you are, but I don't know for sure." Wilbur questioned the child and then got a look from Techno.

 Shut up Will.

It went unspoken that Techno took a liking to Tubbo. "I'm sorry about them Tubbo," Phil said, "they're all just a bit excited." Tubbo just nodded and yawned, everyone staring at him 

"Did I do something wrong?" Their eyes were burning holes in him, and he was getting nervous. Maybe they didn't like him. 

Techno sighed and walked over to the kid, ruffling his hair. "No you didn't kid, why don't I show you to your room? You'll be sharing with Tommy because you are the same age, good luck." Techno was showing genuine compassion towards the new boy and his brothers were astonished that he could be nice. 

"That's fine, I just want to sleep if that's ok. I was stuck in the forest for a few days so... yeah" Techno showed Tubbo upstairs and a few hours later everyone was asleep.

1.2k words

Hello! This is my first story so it's going to be crap, but please know that I tried! I stayed up till bout 4:30 am writing this so why not try and publish it? FYI you'll never have an update schedule so like, be warned.

Have a great day or night!

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