Chapter 1. Part 1. Pick Your Poison

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"What are we going to do? We can't be stuck forever! What about my sweet Pepi!?" Portia sobbed as her brother and honorary Grandmother held her in their arms.

"..." Muriel exchanged looks with Asra and I, before looking down, becoming lost in thought.

The Court, mostly Valdemar and Vulgora, seemed amused. "How lovely.. a game to test their mortality.. I shall watch with upmost interest." Valdemar snickered, as Vulgora laughed heartily. Volta only seemed worried about the food and Vlastomil with his worms. Valerius scoffed at the demons.

"Why must I associate myself with you imbeciles?" He complained as he walked away from them.

Nazali looked Nadia in the eye as they both nodded, causing Nadia to take action.

Amongst all the panicking and chaos, Nadia did her best to calm everyone down, which was difficult with Lucio being a sobbing mess. She stood up and stepped onto the stage to address us. "I know how we all must be feeling at this moment, we do not know how the Devil or Lucio or even the court came back, however, as we may be trapped in here, I am still the Countess, and I will do my very best to get us all out of here alive, so have no worries. I shall try my best to make our time here more enjoyable to be rid of this feeling of despair." Some of us nodded in approval of her speech, while some clapped. The Court scoffed and stood away in the corner. Morga didn't care much for Nadia's hopeful speech and walked off on her own.

"And as the Count, I say we keep partying!" Lucio shouted, much to Nadia's annoyance. Everyone glared at the former Count, knowing he may be behind everything. Nadia was about to speak again before a strange chime sounded and the Devil's sinister voice filled our ears.

"It is now 10pm, please make your way to your specially-prepared rooms and let the soothing sounds of death and despair drift you to dreamland~" The Arcana said before leaving again. We have our own rooms? The Devil really is making it seem like we're staying here for a long time...

Nadia stood up, despite being confused about the room part, she lead us all down the halls, toward the many guest rooms. Upon arriving to them, we noticed the doors all had our names on them, making it easy to find our own. I searched until I found my own, which was in between Asra's and Lucio's. We all exchanged our goodnights and entered our rooms.

Asra quickly took my hand, "We'll get through this, my dear, we beat the Devil before and we can do it again." They said as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek before retiring to his room. Blushing, I went to my own and shut the door, noticing the room itself hasn't gone through any changes. I quickly changed into the provided pajamas and climbed into bed. The night was silent, or at least would be if Lucio wasn't dancing to Party Rock Anthem next door. I lied there in silence, before the sleepiness overcame me, and I drifted off.


The dreams of hope and peace were cut short by that same chime, waking me up to the harsh reality. "Good morning, mortals. Looks like a perfect day for killing, don't you think? Hehehe..."
The Devil chuckled before leaving us to wake. I lazily got out of the silk covers, got dressed again, and walked out. I decided to head back to the room we were at yesterday. I opened the doors to find only three others, Julian, Nadia, and Nazali.

Julian was the first to address me, "Ah, Fae! Good morning, looking as fine as ever." He gave his iconic shit-eating grin as the Satrinava sisters both noticed me.

"Morning, Fae! We're still waiting on the others before Nadia here tells us her great survival plan!" Nazali said with a smile. I smiled back as the doors open and in walked everyone's least favourite party animal.

"I HAVE ARRIVED! HAVE YOU ALL MISSED ME?" Lucio announced, posing dramatically as we ignored him. At least that's one less person we're waiting on. The doors opened a few more times in the next few minutes. Entering Asra, Portia, Mazelinka, and Valerius. The wine lord scoffing at his ex's poses. No one else seemed to be showing up, causing worry.

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