She tried to stop me but I pushed past her. "We'll see how Bellamy feels when he finds out." I growled as I left.

Barely rounding the corner to get to Indra who I was supposed to meet for a hunt, I bumped into Lexa. The other half of the duo that let their people burn for the Mountain Men. Clarke could use the 'If I didn't, your brother would be dead excuse' all she wanted to but I knew my brother and he was smarter than that. He would have hidden, worked faster, did whatever he had to do because I know that even he would have chosen to warn everyone.

"Commander." I muttered, not meeting her eyes.

"Octavia." She scanned me up and down, her eyes digging into me.

"How may I be of service, Commander." Clenching my jaw as I named her.

"I'm referring you to be on perimeter watch." She instructed smoothly.

"But I'm supposed to hunt with Indra. We were leaving-"

"And now I have put you on watch." She interrupted.

I let out a deep breath and nodded, "Of course."

I went to my post, hearing Clarke tell Lexa that I won't say anything on the way out.

I stood in the solemn silence of the woods, my mind unable to focus on my surroundings. I sighed and let my eyes wander the forest that closed me in. The dew, like jewels glistened under the moon light and the insects sang their nightly tune.

As I stood there in the dark thinking of how simple life once was, a twig hit me on the side of the cheek. I turned quickly, drawing my sword but when I saw Cora's face illuminated under the moon's glow with her finger pressed to her lips telling me to be quiet, I slid it back in.

I watched her with confusion as she crept slowly and silently to the tree I stood by and leaned against it. Her eyes looking up like she was listening for something. As soon as she heard whatever it was, she grabbed me by the arm and dragged me forcefully away from the site.

"Cora, Slow down!" I whispered, trailing after her without a fight but her grip persisted.

She stopped and spun to face me, looking over my shoulder and behind her to make sure the coast was clear. "I have to tell you something."


Hamilton couldn't believe what was happening. His heart ached with so much pain and guilt he wished he was on the fifth level when Bellamy radiated it.

Of course it was Bellamy. But the other residents of mount weather were slow to realise they were infiltrated. President Wallace had only recently found out that Lovejoy was missing however his key card was still active.

Hamilton sat in his desolate room with his head in his hands, his fingers threaded through his hair. He let out a shaky breath then took in another, it stuttered in his throat but he couldn't care. Over and over he breathed in and out through his mouth. His eyes red and puffy, his nose clogged with snot.

He lifted his head and looked up at the white light of his room and blinked away the welling tears. With all his heart he regretted letting it happen. He wanted to refuse it, to say that someone else should do it but the president was firm on wanting him to be the one. He leaned back into his bed and threw his arm over his eyes, blocking the light out.

He should have died. He should have stood by what he believed in and take what would be given. Those were his thoughts. But Bellamy pushed him into it, the stress of everything caused him to make rash decisions at times. And this was definitely one of them. Those were Hamilton's thoughts.

He remembered sitting in the seat on the restricted level just waiting anxiously for the female doctor to step through the metal door. He remembered waiting for so long that with each second, a new drop of sweat would bead at his forehead.

But when a member of the guard entered instead to inform him of the doctor's death he was almost caught letting out a sigh of relief.

The sigh was soon reversed when Cage Wallace ordered for them to start using the stored marrow. Hamilton had no idea of such things and his heart began pounding.

He was volunteered by Cage and was sent down to the quarantine level along with a short list of a few others to get the treatment. He wanted to say no, to take the bullet of betrayal but he couldn't.

He was scared.

And now here he was. Relaying the feeling of the marrow being pumped into his heart in his head. Hamilton could finally breath the air that Cora did, something he had always wished for as a child but came to accept and understand that it wasn't his fate. He could finally live on the outside, swim in the streams and brush his finger tips against to delicate petals of a flower. No matter how wonderful it all sounded, every move he made outside these concrete walls would be undeserved. Another tear fell from his eyes and he sat up, wiping away the tears and rubbing his face raw. This wasn't the time to be guilty. This was the time to take down the mountain. Even if it killed him.

He sniffled and brushed his hair back with his fingers, he shoved his gun into it's holster at his hip then proceeded pulling on his jacket and stepping out of the room . The only way to kill a snake was by cutting off it's head. The head in this case was Cage fucking Wallace.

I'm such a slow updater, no wonder why I'm losing readers 🔫

But I have a reason so like don't hate me!!! Level twos are so hard, I can't imagine what level threes are gonna be like 😫.

Also my best friend is going through a very rough patch in her life which affects me greatly so I have to be there for her, I hope you understand ☺️.

P.S. Felt like such a fangirl trying to find a picture of Nash Grier. *cringes at the image of me fangirling*

P.P.S. Don't you dare mistake me for a fangirl, I'll find your family and throw cookies at you.

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