2020 to

36 0 0

(Covid was eradicated by Doctor Star, so all events that covid did never happen)

Ultra puts out bushfires in Australia
(January 2 2020)

Ultra stops missiles from hitting two iraqi military bases, preventing multiple injuries(January 8 2020)

Ultra saves flight 752, preventing 176 deaths(January 8 2020)

Captain speed stops and arrests a shooter at a basketball game between South Oak Cliff and kimball High School, preventing 1 death and 1 injured people(January 11 2020)

Ultra talks Stan kirsch out of suicide preventing his death(January 11 2020)

Captain speed stops and arrest 16 year old shooter, preventing 1 death
(January 14 2020)

Ultra saves helicopter n72ex, saving all 9 passengers 2 that was kobe bryant and his 13 year old daughter
(January 26 2020)

Captain speed stops a fight after a basketball game preventing 1 death
(January 31 2020)

Captain speed stops and arrests jacques dshawn preventing 2 deaths and 1 injured people(February 3 2020)

Captain speed saves a 22 year old employee from his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, then later handing the ex to the police(February 4 2020)

Doctor star heals Jhon jairo velasquez of his esophageal cancer, preventing his death(February 6 2020)

Doctor star heals Raphael coleman of his health issues preventing his death (February 6 2020)

Doctor star heals Esther scott, preventing her heart attack
(February 14 2020)

Doctor star heals Nikita pearl waligwa of her brain tumor(February 15 2020)

Ultra stops the hanau shooting, preventing 11 deaths and 5 injured people(February 19 2020)

Ultra saves rapper bashar barakah jackson, aka pop smoke from being shot, preventing his death and arresting the shooter
(February 19 2020)

Ultra saves Lorenzo brino from a car accident preventing his death
(march 9 2020)

Captain speed stops and arrests a large group of men who jumped over a fence to gain access to the atascocita high school football field, preventing 1 death(March 15 2020)

Doctor star heals Alfred worden of his infection and stroke, preventing his death and making him live a little longer(March 18 2020)

Rick may doesn't die since covid was eradicated by doctor star(april 8 2020)

Doctor star is sent to the democratic Republic of the congo and get rid of kivu ebola epidemic preventing 2,200 deaths(April 10 2020)

Doctor star heals Helen mccrory of her breast cancer preventing her death(april 16 2021)

Doctor star heals Irrfan khan of his neuroendocrine tumour,cancer and colon infection preventing his death
(april 29 2020)

Doctor star heals Geno silva of his frontotemporal dementia preventing his death(may 9 2020)

Aqua saves Ben kelly from a great white shark preventing his death
(May 9 2020)

Ultra saves Corey la barrie from a car crash preventing his death
(may 10 2020)

Ultra stops a gunman in maternity hospital preventing 24 people deaths and 2 newborn babys then later he heads to kuz kunar preventing 32 deaths and stop a suicide bomber (May 12 2020)

Doctor star heals Fred willard preventing his heart attack and death and making him live a little longer(May 15 2020)

Aqua saves Shad gaspard and his son and preventing shad death
(may 17 2020)

ultra through timeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon