2000 to 2009

36 0 0


Ultra saves flight 431 and preventing 169 deaths(January 30 2000)

Ultra saves flight 261 and prevented 88 deaths(january 31 2000)

Doctor star heals rapper  Christopher lee rios aka big pun preventing his heart attack and death
(February 7 2000)

Ultra stops a flooding in Africa and prevented 800 deaths
(February 9 2000)

Doctor star heals Jim varney of his lung cancer preventing his death
(February 10 2000)

Captain speed stops a 6 year old student shooting another student preventing 1 death(February 29 2000)

Doctor star heals Rex everhart of his lung cancer preventing his death
(march 13 2000)

Doctor star heals Christopher pettiet of his drug overdose saving his life
(april 12 2000)

Ultra stops a earthquake in Indonesia and preventing 46 deaths and 264 injured people(May 4 2000)

Ultra stops a explosion at a fireworks factory in the Netherlands preventing 23 deaths(May 13 2000)

Captain speed stops nathaniel brazil from killing teacher barry grunow
(May 26 2000)

Ultra stops a earthquake in sumatra and preventing 103 deaths and 2,585 injured people(June 4 2000)

Doctor star heals nancy marchand of her emphysema preventing her death and making her live a little longer
(June 18 2000)

Doctor star heals Nancy marchand of her emphysema preventing her death and making her live a little longer
(June 19 2000)

Captain speed stops and arrest jian chen preventing Rodger c haggitt death(June 28 2000)

Doctor star heals Bob manahan preventing his heart attack and death(june 30 2000)

Ultra stops a pipeline explosion and prevented 250 deaths(July 10 2000)

Ultra saves flight 4590 and preventing 113 deaths(July 25 2000)

Doctor star heals Alec guinness of his liver cancer preventing his death and making him live a little longer
(August 5 2000)

Ultra saves the plane carrying American singer aaliyah and others preventing 8 deaths(August 25 2001)

Captain speed stops and arrest james easton kelly preventing john r locke death(August 28 2000)

Aqua saves thadeus kubinski from a bull shark preventing his death
(August 30 2000)

Ultra stops two suicide bombers and preventing total damage 17 deaths and 39 injured people
(October 12 2000)

Ultra stops trains derailment And prevented 4 deaths and and another of injuries(October 17 2000)

Ultra saves flight 006 and prevented 83 deaths(October 31 2000)

Ultra stops a fire in austria preventing 155 deaths(November 11 2000)

Ultra stops a landslide in slovenia and preventing 7 deaths and millions of damages(November 17 2000)

Ultra stops a fire at a shopping center in china and prevented 309 deaths
(December 25 2000)


Doctor star heals Michael cuccuione from his hodgkin's disease preventing his death(January 13 2001)

Ultra stops a earthquake in el salvador preventing 800 deaths and thousands homeless(January 13 2001)

Ultra prevents and earthquake in Western india preventing 20,023 deaths and 166,800 injured people(January 26 2001)

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