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Exclaimer: remember that outfit in your bio you'd be wearing in this story? That is only going to be for flashback scenes in this story so if you really liked it then I apologise, but hey... I've got a new outfit you'll be wearing in the present day scenes...

You'll see it later in the prologue... It's a surprise.

I'll give you a hint... Devil May Cry fans will recognise it.

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"ugh, I'm so bored" muttered a sighing blonde girl, sitting on a nearby rooftop of the Daily Planet of Metropolis, her cape blowing in the wind softly along with her hair and skirt as she huffs in boredom.

The girl is Kryptonian named Kara Zor-El and it was almost 2 years ago she debuted as Supergirl, and fought crime and big threats alongside her cousin and friends she made along the way, before joining a team of Heroes named the Outsiders led by the former sidekick of Batman: Robin, now Nightwing.

Crime hasn't been picked up for almost an hour and Kara had her chin in her hand, waiting for something to happen, she was expecting an Outsider alert on her comms but as life goes... Nothing exciting will happen all the time.

She starts to remember when she first joined the Outsiders, boy she remembered her crush on Nightwing, it was rather embarrassing since she kissed him right in front of Starfire, who wasn't happy with what she saw but understood that Kara didn't know that she and Nightwing were in a serious relationship.

Kara remembered how she and Batgirl first met... It was a faithful night in Gotham and Batgirl was struggling to deal with Ivy and Harley Quinn, until Supergirl herself arrived after flying over Gotham since her cousin was in Gotham, possibly at the Batcave.

Supergirl and Batgirl became friends not long after the encounter with the two troublemakers.

She smiled, remembering it all, she has come a long way, from losing her planet of Krypton, to her pod being knocked off course and separating her from her baby cousin, to landing on Earth years later after being in suspended animation and finding her baby cousin grown into an adult, to now becoming Supergirl who people thought was Superman's sidekick or sister according to most people.

Before she could rethink more about what she's been through, her communicator goes off, excited to hear it go off, she tapped on it and heard the familiar voice, belonging to Nightwing.

"attention Outsiders, we have a new problem that needs to be addressed and it's serious... Come to my coordinates, effective immediately before it's too late" Nightwing sounded a little worried, as his coordinates narrated over Kara's comms, telling her he was located in Central City, Downtown.

"he sounded worried, and a worried Nightwing means something terrible has happened" Kara said to herself before floating off the ground and flying off towards Central City, flying past the buildings of Metropolis, all the way outside the city before creating a sonic boom where it was safe to take off at mach speed.

It didn't take long till she arrived to Central City and found Nightwing and some others who were with him.

Speedy aka Roy Harper

Kid Flash aka Wally West

Bumblebee aka Karen Beecher

Miss Martian aka Megan/M'gann

Nightiwing was kneeling down on the floor, examining a previously killed person.

"what happened?" the super blonde asked the group as she landed on the ground, approaching her friends.

Umbra: DC Universe story (Supergirl x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin