Y/n and Tanjiro were getting ready to leave to go on their missions. Urokodaki warned them about the different breeds of demons .
Y/n turn to Urokodaki and nodded ,Urokodaki looked at them up and down ,the kamado twins were wearing the uniform but Y/n has a skirt ,and her bangs were tide back so they wouldn't cover her eyes in battle

" Be careful, alright," Urokodaki said ,Y/n smiled with a nod. "we'll write to you Urokodaki," Y/n said while Tanjiro was getting Nezuko ready


Y/n was now outside with Tanjiro and Nezuko
" We're off." Tanjiro looked at Urokodaki while
" Before you go "Urokodaki went up and fix his collar and put his other hand on Y/n shoulder giving a nod grunt ,Tanjiro and Y/n seem to understood what the mean [At least I think so]
giving him back the nod. Urokodaki patted their shoulder as they headed off and waved goodbye .

They were now walking in plain field and saw some houses " I wonder if Nezuko's awake at this time" Y/n said patting the box only to let Tanjiro looked at the box " Urokodaki said she can recover by sleeping so she might still sleeping" Tanjiro stated as Y/n gave sad smile
" Alright, I just hope she's having a nice dream,"
Tanjiro nodded with agreement " Yeah " He said continuing walking soon they finally reach a Village , they stop walking and looked down at the brige only to see boats " Wow so many " Y/n said surprised not used to seeing boats often
soon Tanjiro looked forward " The town of the north west" Tanjiro looked back at Y/n and gave her a smile " Looks like we found it" Y/n nodded with a smile " Alright , let's go " Y/n said grabbing her brother's hand taking the lead .

The twins seem to notice the guy with a bruise on his face walking strange , they stop walking observe him and listening to the villagers ,Y/n and Tanjiro looked at eachother and ran up to the man " Mr Kazumi!" Tanjiro yelled, making Kazumi stop in his trace and turn around
"We want to hear what happened last night from you" They said in sync [with a serious voice] Kazumi looked at them strange and lead them where it happened " This is where Satoko Vanished" Y/n looked around and sense something unusual " But I'm sure you don't belive me"

Tanjiro looked at him with a serious face " We do believe you " Y/n walked toward them " We're here to help , that's our job" Y/n stated in a calm voice ,Tanjiro turn around and started to stiff the ground like a dog " Tanjiro!" Y/n shouted in anger." Don't start sniffing the ground like a dog. " Y/n exclaimed." The aura of the demon is still here, but it's fading

" Also uneven," Tanjiro added , "Y/n and Tanjiro looked at each other, knowing something was off
' Who are they?' Kazumi thought ,still looking at them strange soon he touch his bruise thinking what happened.Soon Y/n and Tanjiro are now looking around the village still feeling/smelling the demon around , people looked at them weirdly mostly,Tanjiro but Y/n grabbed the dirt on the ground and feel the demon's Aura on her hand Soon the sun was now setting ,Y/n and Tanjiro was going back from the spot where they first started " I want you to belive me , she really did just vanish" Y/n turn around " We know, that's why we came here so we could stop it"

It was now night time Tanjiro still has the sent while Y/n could still feel its Aura. " Are you going to keep going?" Kazumi ask
"Yes," They stated. " Come on, it's getting late." He complained, looking at them

" Don't you two want to rest and continue in the morning" Y/n looked back to Kazumi "I'm sorry Kazumi san but their only active at night so we must continue or else there gonna keep killing "

Y/n stop walking and felt a new aura ," Tanjiro...did you smell that?" Tanjiro nodded ,Y/n gasped in surprise and grabbed Tanjiro's hand and started running where the demon went."HEY! WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!" Kazumi shouted at them." The demon's sent got stronger , and HE's active!" Tanjiro shouted, still running soon they both jumped on the roof while Kazumi was trying to catch up to them .Y/n jumped off the roof and landed on the ground making ,she soon kneeled down just to feel the Aura ,feeling the demon close by .

Y/n and Tanjiro look both path ways only to see nothing, but they both keep their guard up ,Y/n grabbed a hold on both of her swords ,getting ready to attack .Tanjiro was behind her in case it attacked behind both of them with his word already out. Y/n took both of her swords, getting ready to attack .They walk together taking a closer look on the path way , feeling the demon's and the girl's aura feels like they were right there.Y/n and Tanjiro nodded at each other so without having any second thought Y/n stabbed one of her sword to ground with Tanjiro doing the same leaving a gush of wind soon black stuff started to sprout out of the ground and saw a demon coming up.

Y/n and tanjiro Gasp and quick stick their hands in the black puddle of goo to get the girl leaving one of her kimono rip , Y/n was carrying her bridal style while Tanjiro was getting to attack to see that the demon has power til he remember what Urokodaiki said to both of them earlier 'right Urokodaiki mention about the blood demon art' Y/n thought putting the girl down near the wall .Kazumi finally caught up to them. "Kazumi, take care of the girl and stay close to me." Y/n shouted, running to her brother and demon only for the puddle to disappear.
Y/n's eyes widen in a panic ,only for two other demons that looked exactly like the one that took Tanjiro. " Second form, Water wheel!" Y/n swung her two swords at the two demons only for them to dodge her attack.'Damm it!'
Y/n got into her stance looking everywhere
' they have the same aura as the first demon that took Tanjiro...so one of them might be the real demon.' Y/n closed her eyes waiting  for their next move, Y/n's eyes shot open as she swung her two swords at the demons' arms fast enough to cut it off ' Shit I've missed again!' Before Y/n could even make a move, Tanjiro popped off of nowhere, making him land onto Y/n's arm, causing Y/n's swords to fall off to the ground

" Ni chan!" Y/n said happily that her twin is alive
before Tanjiro could even speak, the demon shouted, " YOU TWO BASTARDS!" The twins' attention was now at the demons."Back off for crying out loud! ,That girl is gonna go stale on me dammit!"

The demon shouted as Tanjiro got off Y/n's arm as Y/n grabbed her two swords off the ground
" That ,girl is already 16, okay? , She's losing flavor by the second!"  Y/n looked at the demon in disgust

words count:1237



ey, my fellow bunnies ,I just wanna say sorry that it took this long to update this book and my other one it's just that I've been going through some things in my life rn

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