Chapter 23: I Would Do Anything For Love

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Susan Bones had had so much fun in the last few days and if she didn't know it before, she certainly did now. She was head over heels in love with Theodore Nott. How she felt about him could not compare to what she had felt for Seamus. She couldn't really compare it to anything she had ever felt before.

There was one thing that bothered her in the back of her mind though. Theodore did not want to touch her. Not that he didn't touch her at all. He kissed her a lot. He stroked her hair, her cheeks and her back. He did stuff like that but he never gave any sign that he truly wanted her. While she was going crazy for him, he just didn't seem to care at the same level.

That was weird, right? A guy not wanting to have sex with his girlfriend? She did understand that this was Theodore's first relationship and after how her relationship with Seamus had started she could understand the desire to want to take things more slowly. But this wasn't slow anymore, this was just non-existent. There was no progress at all.

It was like he wanted her and didn't want her at the same time. It was all very confusing. She could see how he looked at her lovingly. But he didn't seem to be attracted to her at all. It lowered her self-esteem. Because if even her boyfriend didn't want her, then who did?

Since Boxing Day nothing had really happened between them anymore. Susan had stuck to her decision to let Theodore make the first move, but now that their return to Hogwarts was approaching she couldn't help but feel like this was a missed opportunity.

Now they were sitting at the kitchen table together. Her parents were away to spend New Year's Eve at some expensive restaurant and bar they normally wouldn't go to. Which meant that Susan had the house, and Theodore, all to herself.

"And I get the Snitch!" Theodore exclaimed as he moved his pieces across the board.

"No way!" Susan said. "How did you solve it so fast?" They were playing Snitch Snatcher!, one of the board games Susan had laying around and was based on Quidditch.

Theodore shrugged. "I'm not telling you my strategy."

"But that is the third in a row you won!"

"What?" Theodore said as he leaned across the table. He raised his eyebrows. "You want revenge?"

Susan threw a glance at the clock. "No," she said as she took her wand and cast a spell to put the pieces back in the box. "It's almost midnight. Let's get some drinks and watch the fireworks from the living room."

Susan got out some Firewhiskey and poured them two glasses. She took the bottle with her into the living room and settled down beside Theodore on the couch.

"We're just in time," he said as he took the glass from her. "The fireworks have just started."

"Well, then it's a good thing you destroyed me so fast in that third game."

Theodore threw his arm around her. They drank while watching the explosions in the air. Susan loved all the colors and patterns the fireworks created in the sky. Her glass was already empty and she poured herself a second one.

As midnight approached more fireworks were shot into the sky. Susan drank a third glass of Firewhiskey as she was waiting to kiss Theodore.

The clock struck twelve and she threw her arms around his neck. Theodore pulled her into his lap. "Happy new year, Theo!"

"Happy new year, Suzy," he replied as he pressed his forehead against hers.

Susan kissed him. She could almost imagine the sparks flying between them as their kissing intensified.

Theodore took her glass from her hand and placed it next to his on the table. "I think you've drunk enough for now," he said before bending back down and kissing her again.

Susan giggled. She wasn't drunk but she definitely felt a bit lightheaded which was the cause for what she did next. She kissed Theodore's neck. 


When Susan suddenly started kissing his neck and biting his earlobe, Theodore Nott didn't really know what to do. It tickled. It was a bit uncomfortable. Her hands moved all over his chest.

"Suzy? What are you doing?" he said as he felt the tip of her tongue joining whatever she was doing to his neck.

She didn't stop, but between kisses she replied: "Seducing you."

She gripped his hip with one hand, the other went to his hair.

"Can you please stop?" he finally let out. The tickling sensation was becoming annoying. He wanted to go back to making out with her which he had been enjoying.

Susan froze, her lips still pressed to his neck. Slowly, she straightened and looked at him. Shit, she looked hurt.

"Why are you always rejecting me?" she whined.

Theodore had to blink a few times to process the accusation she was throwing at him.

"What? I am not rejecting you."

"Yes, you are!" she said as she tugged at his shirt. "This whole week you never touched me! It's like you don't want me at all!" She was on the verge of crying.

Her words didn't make sense to Theodore who looked at his girlfriend in confusion. "Yes, I did," he said as calm as possible. "Susan, I was just kissing you. I am constantly touching you. Where is this coming from?"

"But you don't though." Her lips and voice were trembling. "After Boxing Day I thought it would be better if I let you make the first move, but it's like you don't find me attractive at all!"

Theodore's eyes widened. He had just thought that Susan didn't want to do stuff this week, because he had still planned to go along with her. She just hadn't initiated anything anymore.

"Shit, Suzy. I'm sorry. It just hadn't crossed my mind."

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, for Susan flinched at his words.

"You really don't find me attractive," she stuttered with wide eyes.

A hint of panic was starting to form in the pit of his stomach. He could not be losing Suzy over this. He could see how hurt she was and it was because of something he had done. Or more correctly, something he hadn't done.

"I do find you attractive." He really did. It wasn't a lie. "Why would I otherwise kiss you? Why would I otherwise be with you?" Susan looked at him like he had just said he fancied professor McGonnagall. He took her face into his hands. "Suzy please, I love you," he begged her.

"I love you too, but I'm so confused, Theo. You have to understand. I'm going crazy here. I need you." She tugged at his shirt. "I crave you, Theo." She laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.

What to do with this information? How could he solve this?

"I need you so badly, Theo," his girl mumbled against his chest. "Please, I just need you to touch me. I can't stand it anymore."

Theodore rested his hand on her head. Apparently, this was very important to Susan, even though he didn't really get why, and Susan was important to him.

"Please," she pleaded again.

Theodore closed his eyes for a moment before speaking again. Then the following words fell of his tongue: "Okay, I'll touch you. I'll help you."

Susan moved in his lap and sat up to look at him, searching his eyes for the meaning behind his words. "What are you saying?"

"I am saying that I'll do this for you. I'll touch you," he repeated.

"Theo," she said firmly. "Don't do things you don't want."

"But I do want to," he answered. "I want to make you feel good." After a pause he added: "But two things, I am not taking off my clothes. I don't really want to be touched right now. And you'll have to tell me what you want because I have never done this."

"Theo, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." He truly was. If this was what it would take to be with Suzy, then he would do it. He lifted her up. "Let's go," he said as he carried her upstairs.

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