Chapter 2

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"Hello? Mira, is everything okay?" Araidne said once they answered the phone. Sure, it was pretty late at night, but Rai was pretty much my only option at this point.

"No, it's the farthest thing from okay. My mom decided to casually walk out on me for another man. So I'm alone in my house with limited food, no money because I put it all towards your and my dad's medical bills, and no driver's license to get anywhere. So long story short, my life is a living hellhole and I have no clue what to do!" I said, getting more and more panicked by the second.

"Mira, remember what I told you when your dad first got diagnosed?"

"No. Rai, that feels like it was a million years ago, I've had too much on my plate since then to remember what you said to me that day. No offense, you know I love you."

"None taken. But Miriam Lee Anderson, what you need to do is just keep performing. It's always been your thing. It makes you happy, I don't think I've ever seen you smile as wide as your smile when you're singing or dancing. And it might make you enough money to get by for a while, you don't need to worry about me anymore."

"Rai, I appreciate the sentiment, but where am I gonna- wait."

An idea pops into my brain as I look at the kitchen counter. Eric William Morris' business card. He said to call him at any time if I needed anything. Sure, he might think I'm taking advantage of it if I call him saying I had just become an orphan and desperately needed help, but it can't hurt to try!

Could it?

"What's going on, Mira? What idea popped into your brain now?"

"Nothing bad, Rai, I promise. If what I'm about to do doesn't work out, come pick me up."

"I- okay then? You want me to stay on the phone or something?"

"Araidne. I kinda need the phone. I love you dearly but please hang up."


Great. Now that Araidne's out of the way, I can put my plan into motion. And that probably sounded awful.

I sighed and picked up the business card from the kitchen counter, looking at the words on it and wondering if I really wanted to do this. Because in all seriousness, what person in their right mind calls their favorite actor and begs them to take them in? 

Apparently, that person is me. And in my mind, this was my only option. So here I stood, business card in one hand and cell phone in the other, getting ready to call.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line said. 

"Hey, Eric? Yeah, this is Miriam Anderson, the girl you met after the show tonight. Yeah, I know this may be a little weird to hear, but in my mind this is my only option. You're totally not forced to do anything about it, if this doesn't work out I always have my best friend. God, okay, I'm ranting a bit too much. Anyway, yeah, I'm Miriam, and my mom just walked out on me for another man and my dad's too sick to take care of a child right now, yay! So yeah, I'm an orphan now, and I know I'm basically venting to you at this point but again, in my mind this was my-"

"Miriam. I know this is a weird question but.. where do you live? I could come pick you up and you could stay with me for a few weeks if that's okay?" Eric said on the other line.

Woah. Part of me couldn't believe that Eric just said that to me. But in my wildest fantasies, this is what I hoped would happen. 

"Yeah. That would be nice. Hold on, this is your cell, right? I'm just gonna text you my address." I said, trying my best not to squeal incoherently.

"That's fine, Miriam. I'll pick you up in twenty, okay?"

"Okay. See you then!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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